The World Health Organisation (WHO) said there was no evidence yet of human-to-human transmission.
The World Health Organisation has classed one dioxin as a serious hazard to human health.
Professor Robert Steffen, is the director of the World Health Organisation Collaborating Centre for Travellers' Health.
Henk Bekedam of the World Health Organisation says it could easily afford around 2.5%.
The World Health Organisation and others have blamed the crisis on a poor vaccination campaign.
The World Health Organisation has recently established a forum on clinical trials in Asian countries.
According to the World Health Organisation, bird flu has killed more than 330 people since 2003.
The World Health Organisation has warned of disease outbreaks and worsening medical services.
Arata Kochi, head of the World Health Organisation's malaria programme, has owned up to its past shortcomings.
Most of your data is based, originally, on World Health Organisation statistics, which came from death certificates.
The World Health Organisation says the West has ignored the diseases of the poorer nations at its peril.
The World Health Organisation (WHO) has estimated that up to a tenth of the world's medicines are fake.
The World Health Organisation points out that condoms, used properly, cut the chance of HIV infection by 90%.
The World Health Organisation (WHO) has said levels of emissions lower than those acceptable in the UK are problematic.
The World Health Organisation recommends cleaning areas with high concentrations of radioactive particles.
The World Health Organisation said the move would help cut India's smoking-related deaths.
Per capita tippling in Britain is only the 12th-highest in the European Union, according to the World Health Organisation.
The World Health Organisation has said that the UK is at the forefront of preparations internationally for a pandemic influenza.
And assurances from the World Health Organisation that only live birds can pass on the illness will cut little ice.
But the World Health Organisation has estimated that between 3.5 and 5m people globally suffer acute pesticide poisoning every year.
All projects in Swansea will be linked to the area's involvement in the World Health Organisation's European Healthy City Network.
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Per-capita consumption is not especially gross: volumes are only the eighth highest in Europe, according to the World Health Organisation.
This burst of activity culminated, this week, in a gathering at the headquarters of the World Health Organisation in Geneva.
"There is a very major trend here " Dr Jose Bertolote of the World Health Organisation told the Associated Press.
World Health Organisation Director General Margaret Chan has called for the global adaptation of the Indian lessons to finish polio everywhere.
Indeed, food scares have become common enough that the World Health Organisation is helping Vietnam to set up a food-safety agency.
The research team is also collaborating with the World Health Organisation (WHO) to identify patterns of this type of liver cancer.
In 1994, the World Health Organisation found that women took charge of contraception in more than seven out of ten couples.
Ebola experts working for the World Health Organisation in Libreville and Geneva also expect to leave soon to investigate the outbreak.
But the World Health Organisation (WHO) says it has found no evidence of increased leukaemia in Kosovo since the 1998 bombardment.