WTO the World Trade Organisation, not the World Tourism Organisation, which was set up well before the free-traders pinched its initials.
The race for the IMF's managing director took on the element of farce when the United States, which holds a blocking minority vote, effectively rejected Germany's first choice to head the world organisation.
The IMF will be hoping to put behind it the disputes which took on the element of farce when the United States, which holds a blocking minority vote, effectively rejected Germany's first choice to head the world organisation.
The World Health Organisation's recent World Mental Health Survey Initiative, which interviewed 89, 000 people, found that more than 120m people worldwide suffer from depression, and it is responsible for 850, 000 suicides each year.
In 2000 the World Health Organisation estimated that, of the world's then 6 billion people, at least 1.1 billion were without safe drinking water and 2.4 billion had no sanitation.
The upshot, according to Brian Williams of the World Health Organisation, is that if, in some ideal world, every sexually active man in sub-Saharan Africa were circumcised, 2m new infections would be avoided over the course of ten years, and 300, 000 deaths prevented.
The World Health Organisation (WHO) has estimated that up to a tenth of the world's medicines are fake.
Worried about such draining of brains, in 2010 members of the World Health Organisation signed a resolution to curb the recruitment of doctors from the poor world to the rich one.
The UK has one of the highest caesarean rates in the world - the World Health Organisation has set a target of between 10% and 15% for countries in the developed world.
According to the World Health Organisation, dengue is now endemic in more than 100 tropical and sub-tropical countries around the world, affecting some 50m people a year, mostly in urban or semi-urban areas.
The side event is organized in cooperation with the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO), Fond Tara, the Government of Denmark , the Sandwatch Foundation and the UNESCO World Heritage Centre.
According to the World Tourism Organisation, there were about one billion international tourists in 2013 .
The World Trade Organisation (WTO) last year declared the loophole in breach of international copyright law.
Only two days later did the leadership release the news and tell the World Health Organisation.
Both sides this week formally filed complaints at the World Trade Organisation (see article).
The World Health Organisation (WHO) said there was no evidence yet of human-to-human transmission.
The Georgians have retaliated by threatening to block Russia's application to join the World Trade Organisation.
He expects China's entry into the World Trade Organisation to change little for him.
In the 1970s many people wrote off the precursor to the World Trade Organisation.
The World Health Organisation has classed one dioxin as a serious hazard to human health.
Professor Robert Steffen, is the director of the World Health Organisation Collaborating Centre for Travellers' Health.
Trade experts mutter that it may violate World Trade Organisation rules against raising tariffs.
Those laws really being contracts which are signed at the world Trade Organisation (WTO).
Even the World Trade Organisation says bans on asbestos are justified to protect human life.
Its relations with international rulemakers can be thorny: think of the World Trade Organisation.
Finally, China's accession to the World Trade Organisation is far from ready for the negotiating table.
At the moment environmental issues are treated as an adjunct to the World Trade Organisation.
Henk Bekedam of the World Health Organisation says it could easily afford around 2.5%.
The talks would run in parallel with a new round planned by the World Trade Organisation.
Lowering of tariffs and other barriers helped Panama into the World Trade Organisation last year.