The World Trade Organisation (WTO) last year declared the loophole in breach of international copyright law.
Both sides this week formally filed complaints at the World Trade Organisation (see article).
The Georgians have retaliated by threatening to block Russia's application to join the World Trade Organisation.
He expects China's entry into the World Trade Organisation to change little for him.
In the 1970s many people wrote off the precursor to the World Trade Organisation.
Trade experts mutter that it may violate World Trade Organisation rules against raising tariffs.
Those laws really being contracts which are signed at the world Trade Organisation (WTO).
Even the World Trade Organisation says bans on asbestos are justified to protect human life.
Its relations with international rulemakers can be thorny: think of the World Trade Organisation.
Finally, China's accession to the World Trade Organisation is far from ready for the negotiating table.
At the moment environmental issues are treated as an adjunct to the World Trade Organisation.
The talks would run in parallel with a new round planned by the World Trade Organisation.
Lowering of tariffs and other barriers helped Panama into the World Trade Organisation last year.
It is now trying to slow down Ukraine's membership of the World Trade Organisation.
Mr Obama says he will make sure that the bill conforms to World Trade Organisation rules.
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The EU said it would support Russia's bid to join the World Trade Organisation.
Nor will a breakthrough on talks to join the World Trade Organisation win many votes.
The World Trade Organisation should work towards the free movement of goods, capital and workers.
G8 summit in St Petersburg in July, or obstructing Russian membership of the World Trade Organisation?
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The foreign minister, Celso Amorim, a career diplomat, is a former ambassador to the World Trade Organisation.
G20, a club of developing countries that fights to open rich-country markets through the World Trade Organisation.
That would even the score, they reckon, at the World Trade Organisation talks in Seattle in December.
ECONOMIST: Can the rules be bent just enough to keep them alive?
Taiwan, she insisted, would do better to negotiate with China slowly, through existing World Trade Organisation structures.
This week, Mr Bush pleased his guest by supporting Vietnam's bid to join the World Trade Organisation.
Foreign investment has soared since China opened its markets to join the World Trade Organisation (WTO) in 2002.
In June the European Commission grumbled that American restrictions on European online-gambling firms break World Trade Organisation rules.
Although China must open its markets to foreigners under World Trade Organisation rules, it is not welcoming them.
In 2001, two thirds of shoes imported to the US came from China, says the World Trade Organisation.
Other missteps include a failure to pass the measures needed to get Ukraine into the World Trade Organisation.
The European Commission proposes to rectify this by bringing competition into the ambit of the World Trade Organisation.