What makes an intelligence explosion so worrisome is that intelligence is not a tool or a technology.
Mr. ZALMAN SHOVAL (Former Israeli Ambassador to U.S.): Israelis are worried because we live in a worrisome neighborhood.
If these naproxen data were to hold up, they would be particularly surprising and worrisome.
The episode was beautifully structured, but it was also worrisome: Don had become a drag.
Lack of access to basic services remains the most worrisome malaise, dragging down India's social indicators.
They were worrisome, however, he said, because the victims had not been young men.
Despite those worrisome risks, there is near-exuberance among Russian investors about the coming Gazprom liberalization.
More worrisome, Hyundai's profit margins are getting squeezed by a rising won and rising materials costs.
Although impostors have existed for ages, the growing frequency and cost of identity theft is worrisome.
They are worrisome in the fall, " said Crowley, anchor of CNN's " State of the Union.
If you have faith in the sinking euro, Germany is the most worrisome of all.
Administrative staff and boards are convening and some of the early suggestions are worrisome.
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In the NEJM editorial, Nissen spins what he sees as the worrisome story of these drugs.
Considering some of the work that gets done at the JPL, that could prove quite worrisome.
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The most worrisome problem identified in this report is the remaining lack of transparency in disclosures.
But the hedge funds now are betting bigger on Citigroup ( C), that other worrisome bank.
The situation is all the more worrisome as so many companies are under-valued during the downturn.
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Most worrisome is their ability to learn from each encounter with a frustrated human.
The situation at Fukushima remains worrisome with new developments on the radiation leak coming in daily.
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Despite this heavy gross long position, analysts at Barclays Capital said it is not worrisome.
The fact that extreme weather events like Sandy are becoming far too frequent is worrisome enough.
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Rather than seeing this as a worrisome event, Rosen said this is a positive sign.
Indigenous peoples bear witness to these worrisome transformations of hereditary territories and their life-giving resources.
There are worrisome predictions of what will happen to children as a result of this legislation.
More worrisome are myriad other steps largely being taken out of the public eye.
The consequences of letting America's deficits continue are certainly worrisome, as Mr Chirac suggests.
Surveys of buy-side traders show they are worried, and there are in fact some worrisome events.
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It is worrisome in the extreme that Mr. Obama does not appear to share this appreciation.
There are, however, numerous worrisome examples of concessions that have been made here, too.
Ravi Zacharias cites three worrisome trends: Secularization resulting in the loss of stigma around anti-social behavior.
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