Comparing long-term debt to current assets helps measure financial stability and highlights a potentially worsening situation within a company.
But a 17-year plan could be too long term for those currently having to deal with a worsening situation.
He said the worsening situation was causing "really intense worry" for the residents, who are aged between 65 and 90.
"After discussing the worsening situation in Kosovo, Prime Minister Primakov decided to return to Moscow, " Gore said in a written statement.
Considering the worsening situation in Europe, IMF selling gold to help Europe is a distinct possibility especially since Germany has declared its gold untouchable.
Downing Street has disclosed that the National Security Council has been involved in contingency planning in case of a worsening situation in Greece and the eurozone.
BBC: David Cameron defends 'make up or break up' euro warning
How are we going to react if Greece and possibly other countries are forced out of the euro and we're facing a dramatically worsening situation there?
Violence in the city of Homs has sparked calls for the international community to act ahead of a major conference to discuss the worsening situation in Syria.
Then there is the worsening situation at Delphi.
ECONOMIST: The world's biggest carmaker is at sea and floundering
James Dines of the Dines Letter, ranked number two on the Timer list, also agrees that the rally will "fizzle" and sees new weakness in the markets brought on by a worsening situation in the Middle East.
The UN Plan of Action marks the first effort to systematically bring the UN family of agencies together to address the worsening situation of the safety of journalists, media workers and social media producers, and of the culture of impunity surrounding the crimes against them.
Immune cells called macrophages, trying to clear the mess, eventually choke and die, worsening the situation.
Facing a worsening economic situation, Europeans are looking to stretch budgets and eat out less.
FORBES: McDonald's Golden Arches Look Dingy In Europe: Analyst
But spending on railways in recent years has resulted in a worsening financial situation for the ministry.
These students appear to have been deterred by the worsening financial situation and the prospect of having to take out loans.
But NGOs feel hampered by government bureaucracy and the worsening security situation.
Ghana's 12-place decline in the index is blamed mostly on its worsening macroeconomic situation, characterised by large fiscal deficits, rising public debt and high inflation.
The obvious danger is that temporary nationalisation would, in practice, become permanent, perhaps worsening the situation by putting the government behind the banks without securing any real reforms.
Throughout most of May, it felt as if Asian markets were primarily responding to the worsening European situation, with investors fixated on the political and financial developments in Greece and Spain.
So it's not that many of these ideas aren't workable, but we have to refine them to make sure that they don't just end up worsening the situation for folks rather than making it better.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Takes Questions at GOP House Issues Conference | The White House
The summit is taking place amidst a worsening global economic situation which is likely to have a disproportionately harsh effect on the world's poor.
And despite, or perhaps because of, the serious worsening of the situation on the ground, the dispatch of American observers to monitor the now non-existent ceasefire seems no more of an immediate priority than it was before.
Mr Obama has described America's economy as "very sick" and has said that the situation is worsening.
We are noting that the situation is worsening day after day with a number of civilian casualties.
With foreign retailers such as The Gap and Hennes opening new shops every week, the situation is worsening.
At that time, the U.S. would examine whether more time or troops were needed to keep the situation from worsening again.
Indian unit was rescued by police hours after being kidnapped, in an incident that underscores the worsening law and order situation in the capital region.
Meanwhile fighting in Syria continues and the humanitarian situation is worsening.
"The outbreak is likely to continue as the water and sanitation situation is worsening, with severe shortages of potable water, sewage and waste disposal problems reported in most of the populated areas, " the statement said.