In a worst-case scenario of 36, 500 miles per year, you'd still be delivering 29 MPG from these vehicles.
Officials are hoping to prevent a worst-case scenario, where the snails would threaten Florida crops.
In a worst-case scenario, if left untreated, this condition could increase the chance of developing cancer.
But while history shows that sometimes the worst-case scenario plays out, usually it doesn't.
The worst-case scenario would be government paralysis and maybe another election sooner rather than later.
This worst-case scenario doesn't factor in hedging strategies the banks might have taken to limit these risks.
The worst-case scenario for Indonesia: a complete banking meltdown, shutting down businesses and panicking people en masse.
Knowing I could afford the worst-case scenario gave me peace of mind when I most needed it.
The worst-case scenario could result in children being stopped from using their gifts and having them confiscated.
BBC: NEWS | UK | England | Cumbria | Police warn of mini moto danger
But the problem also has to do with a remarkable lack of planning for a worst-case scenario.
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In the worst-case scenario, Ranbaxy would try to hold on to its six-month exclusivity once it was approved.
"We could've put it to work--worst-case scenario, it'd have been a portfolio owner of media properties, " he says.
In addition, businesses and residents are also going to great lengths to protect themselves from the worst-case scenario.
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You can imagine how overwhelmed food supplies, hospitals and emergency personnel would be in such a worst-case scenario.
The worst-case scenario would be that the economy remains stagnant while the bond markets price in future inflation.
That translates to a "worst-case scenario" of two additional cancer deaths for every 10 million people in that category, he said.
The worst-case scenario is that you need to create the information or services that your visitors are requesting.
Unfortunately, wasteful investment projects are not yet the worst-case scenario of this system.
The worst-case scenario is you only get the 3.7% interest for 10 years.
Even if Iran lurches into a worst-case scenario, the aftermath will be severe, but the effects won't be lasting.
What is the likelihood of consumers sustaining injury, even in a worst-case scenario?
Are we supposed to believe a 15% profit haircut is a worst-case scenario?
Unfortunately, during malicious attacks the worst-case scenario is more likely to be true.
Some analysts have warned that in a worst-case scenario Japanese banks may not have enough cash to buy government bonds.
Under this last, worst-case scenario, other pollinators would have to be found to perform the work that honeybees now do.
I'm not suggesting to you any of this could happen, but I'm asked routinely what is the outside worst-case scenario.
In a worst-case scenario, air travel, tourism and restaurants would see a 20 percent drop in business, the report said.
The worst-case scenario is that it is damaged and vandalized by criminals and you are held responsible for the damage.
Clearly there is a happy balance here, but the current levels of investor pessimism appear to focus on a worst-case scenario.
In the worst-case scenario, he could have asked to call things off, and ride the balloon back down to the ground.