And, who knows, it might even turn out that philanthropy is wot gives the rich pleasure.
ECONOMIST: Inequality
As in many British families, it was university wot dunnit.
NEWYORKER: Dead Man Laughing
He was office boy for a solicitors but he could not stop drawing, even on leegal dokuments scratch scratch, is that a kartoon you have done my lad, yes it is a fantasy of the future Molesworth, wot a horrible thing I think you had better leave.
ECONOMIST: Ronald Searle
Not to mention Me n. molesworth brave and feerless wot a noble BOY in his yellow blazer and his cap at a rakkish angle, a gift to Art with the lite of geenius gleeming from his glasses and an expreshun that strike fear into every teacher in the skool.
ECONOMIST: Ronald Searle | The