Ever since that time I have believed that happiness and true adulthood would be mine at the moment of dog ownership.
In that fateful summer of my twelfth year, however, I discovered that such story-time fantasies were not and never would be mine.
That was our compromise, but deep down I was certain that victory would be mine once he experienced how incredible my purchase was.
Mr Thomas said water in any mine would be a risk but when the mine operator applies for a licence to work a particular reserve of coal, there is a national database with records showing where that seam had been worked before.
Mineral extracted at the mine would be transferred underground for processing on Teesside about 35 miles (56km) away.
Sougarret said that officials were working with physicians and psychologists to determine the order in which miners would be pulled from the mine, but said no decision had been made.
She said it was the authority's job to assess the proposals and decide if the mine would be in the public interest, or if it could be located outside the national park.
On the night he died, Mr Weir phoned Ms Wilkinson to say he was about to board his helicopter at the mine and would be home shortly.
If the court rules that the six points should be restored the Mine Stars would retain their place in the premier league.
If the guidelines are adopted, Japan would also be able to take part in mine-sweeping operations, join naval patrols monitoring sanctions and use its navy to rescue nationals caught up in a crisis.
The firm is to carry out a review of its mines and while it refused to rule out mine closure, it said there would be no job losses.
So mine, you know, would have to be reinvestigated and only if I acquired a job that, you know, required one.
But since I suspect that most parents were like mine--I understood that I would be getting my hands on only a slender fraction of the loot displayed on those dog-eared pages--the larger value, I now realize, was in the fantasy itself.
The firm said the construction phase would create hundreds of new jobs while the surface mine site could be tapped for geothermal energy to provide heating and cooling for the homes.
However, there was still "a glimmer of hope" about the mine's future as the firm had not said it would be completely closed, said Mr Kitchen.
Even in matters of pure physical reality, we depended on a friction between our basic faculties of sensation, his and mine, and we understood now that the rest of the afternoon would be spent in the marking of differences.
In particular, according to Orellana, Pacific Rim failed to provide an adequate environmental impact assessment for its proposed mine and did not meet the Salvadoran requirement that mining companies own the land that would be affected by their operations.
FORBES: Gold Rushes, Trade Agreements, and How Companies Sue Countries
At this time, a reconstruction program involving mine clearance, road building, food and medicine distribution, refugee return and infrastructure repair would be taken on by the UN administration with the cooperation of the militias and under the protection of the foreign military.
And if I happened to be a page or two ahead of her she would carefully explain to me how her book was more difficult than mine.
Stroll into the school lobby even a minute after the start of the day, and this would be recorded in the form of a late note. (To the annoyance of my parents, many of mine were time-stamped 8:02.) Down to the minute, we knew where we had to be, when we had to be there and what we had to do upon arrival.