An Astroturf lawn and speakers are available for those who would rather walk in.
These are attributes that enthusiastic entrepreneurs would rather overlook, as they fund their newest venture.
Women would rather not date than settle for less than what they think they deserve.
"I would rather a dog bite me than have this in my house, " she remarked.
Given their druthers, most professional golfers would rather win a major than any other event.
They would rather keep the aerial rescue platform and fire appliances separate, he said.
Many would rather surrender sovereignty to a Europe, where they have influence, than to financial speculators.
Many corporations would rather pay interest expenses since they are tax-deductible, whereas dividends are not.
They have a digital presence online for customers who would rather do business there.
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"Very commonly, desperate parents would rather have an antibiotic than go that route, " Dr. Jackson says.
Green groups would rather government money went into protecting the environment than producing crops.
Most would rather use their limited diplomatic clout to gain economic or political gains for themselves.
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Anyone who would rather skip that might as well take his place among the jeerers.
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"They would rather sit in front of a computer with their remote sensing, " he said.
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"A six-year-old would rather see a mascot than a player, " says Andy Applebee of Rochester, Mich.
"A 6-year-old would rather see a mascot than a player, " says Andy Appleby of Rochester, Mich.
Romney said he "would rather have" a different kind of justice on the bench.
And three years into his Senate term he decided he would rather be governor again.
For sure I would rather be on top of the podium but I am not.
Asked whether the source was a police officer, he said he would rather not say.
The sluggish uptake of CSR policies clearly shows that executives would rather not have this responsibility.
It is not surprising that Mr Simon would rather change the subject back to Oracle.
Mr Scalia shot back that he would rather have nine historians than nine ethicists.
Second, as an investor, I would rather that Apple invests its cash for me.
Yet a poll last month found that most Americans would rather their government did less.
Understandably many of those depositors would rather convert to cash than absorb the cut.
On balance, I would rather have my co-philanthropists on the long side of this particular bet.
That is to say, we would rather romanticize the story than investigate it for veracity.
More and more, she says, Brazilian women would rather not work in other people's homes.
Many in the ECB would rather not have to go through with it, either.