Or is it possible that the lists have been compiled by snarky, unscrupulous young journalists who wouldratherdiethan visit Waco or Des Moines or Traverse City, much less live there?
The day the war started Tariq Aziz came out to prove that he hadn't been killed or hadn't defected as there were a lot of rumors around ... and he said he had said prior to that he woulddieratherthan surrendering to U.S. forces.
The researchers said 71% of the respondents would prefer to live 15 years in a wheelchair thandie after 10 or five years in a wheelchair - but the remaining 29% said they would prefer to die earlier ratherthan spend 15 years in a wheelchair.
They wouldrather see their citizens die or suffer than let in outsiders who might expose those with whom they come in contact to new ideas and things that could somehow undermine the reigning dictatorship.
The oil industry has been waiting patiently for Chavez to die with the hope that whoever came next would be more interested in building value ratherthan destroying it.