Embezzlement, Hollywood stardom and architectural fame are wrapped up in the Samuel-Novarro House.
They were wrapped up in a rucksack, the one I used in National Service.
Never get so wrapped up in pinning down particulars that you kill the novel for yourself.
So that, we expect, it will be wrapped up in the next couple of days.
This is almost the same as the amount wrapped up in Germany's more heralded tax reforms.
It felt as if the country had been wrapped up in the cotton-wool of establishment etiquette.
One of the biggest remaining subsidies is wrapped up in the price of energy.
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However wrapped up in sonorous stuff about synergy, plenty of mergers begin with sheer executive boredom.
Sheeran kept playing anyway, and the audience seemed too wrapped up in his performance to even notice.
You know how he sometimes says really silly things, wrapped up in that phoney sincerity of his?
These are mutual funds wrapped up in a costly insurance policy that is taxed only when you cash it in.
But there is so much more, all beautifully wrapped up in a well-illustrated and handsome coffee table volume.
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But I don't want to get too wrapped up in singing its praises.
ENGADGET: IRL: Evernote, Netgear N900 and FiiO's E17 headphone amplifier
And Kathy, how much money are we talking about that's wrapped up in U.S. credit card debt right now?
High-achieving men whose whole identity is wrapped up in work are particularly vulnerable.
Too often CMOs are overly wrapped up in the wrong ones, and the critical aspects get insufficient, or no attention.
But you can't get wrapped up in everything that's interesting and treat it as if it's a potentially catastrophic problem.
State and federal dollars are wrapped up in investigating the acts of adults who had the opportunity to make this stop.
Rather, think Big Thoughts about the future of Europe while wearing slippers, wrapped up in blankets in a remote log cabin.
But the atmospheric old neighbourhood with its silver shops and old ladies wrapped up in Thai silk does impart a time-warp feeling.
Whether he was wrapped up in an all-night card game or working at his desk is not clear, both have been suggested.
BBC: Breakfast, lunch and dinner: Have we always eaten them?
But big pharmaceutical companies are so wrapped up in finding blockbuster drugs that they're leaving lucrative gaps for smaller biotechs to fill.
How can we get so wrapped up in the competition and business of pageantry that we would put our daughter at risk?
While some papal elections centuries back lasted years, conclaves held in the past century have wrapped up in two to five days.
P. nomination might be all wrapped up in the next three weeks.
The story's themes of discrimination are wrapped up in a romantic drama.
These are owners of roofing, landscaping and metal-stamping firms too wrapped up in the grind to focus on internal controls and long-term strategy.
The question is price--and that question is wrapped up in the larger issue of whether baseball's owners are losing money--as they often claim.
Indeed, the twentieth century brought forth many Dorian Grays: fiendishly pure spirits so wrapped up in aesthetics that they become heedless of humanity.
The defense has been trying to depict the baby's parents as busy professionals too wrapped up in their careers to closely monitor their child's care.