The Brahma15 is a 21, 000 DMIP Quad-core ARMv7-A instruction set compatible multiprocessor. 32KB instruction and 32KB data caches per processor are backed by a shared 2MB L2 cache and feed the multi-issue, out-of-order superscalar 15-stage plus write back pipeline of the Brahma15.
ENGADGET: Broadcom's new ARM-based chip boosts Ultra HD TV into living rooms of the future
And across in the Lords Peers will continue detailed scrutiny of the Localism Bill - so far plenty of "probing amendments, " but serious attempts to re-write it may be held back until the Report Stage in the autumn, when there could be trouble.
At the end of the morning, each of the students received fresh produce to take back to school -- and took time to write thank you notes to those who helped sow the garden back in March.
This tax provisions denies you a write-off on a security you buy back immediately.
Texters, social-network posters and emailers are all prone to write (as their messages go zipping and hurtling back and forth) in sharp-edged shards and slivers of language.
Reporters write this guff because they know there is no come-back: nobody will tackle them and embarrass them.
When "Twilight" author Stephenie Meyer told an MTV interviewer last year that she doesn't plan to write more vampire books anytime soon, "Twi-hards" struck back on the Internet.
The SIVs had to be brought back onto banks' balance sheets, leading to huge write-downs, losses and the drying up interbank lending that led to the global credit freeze.
He vehemently rejects any talk of being forced to quit - and few who know him well would write off his chances of bouncing back better than ever.
Back in the pre-internet days of yore, we used to write to every state revenue department to get copies of their return packages, that we could then photo-copy and have on hand just in case.
Neither modern consumerism nor the back-to-nature sentiments that make people yearn for rural bliss get a good write-up from Mr Rushby.
You learn to write by writing, and writing a novel (counting the time for research and working out the back-story on all the main characters) usually takes about two years.
FORBES: A New Father's Struggle With Unemployment: 'How Will I Provide For My Family?'
You have to work back from there -- and this is a little bit of an imprecise science -- but you have to work back from there to allow for what it would take to write and pass legislation that would take care of this issue.
Back in February, Ms Gilbert urged teachers to write and complain to her about inspectors' over-zealous use of school performance data.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Education | Half of appeals to Ofsted upheld