Before investors write checks, they like to know how their money will be spent.
The innovation of allowing customers to write checks on their money market accounts would also never have been allowed.
What makes this woman remarkable is not just that she gives -- most wealthy people write checks for charities.
Finally, Missy was able to get the checkbook away from dad and no one else could write checks for this blind man to sign.
Sometimes one spouse may have been using a power of attorney to write checks out of an account of the one who is now deceased.
And unlike in the United States, where venture capital tends to pool near the coasts, Europe's early-stage investors write checks more evenly throughout the region.
Louise saw Nancy Lanza take out her checkbook and write checks to anyone who told her they were going through a rough time and needed money.
If you know the answer to that question and ideally can get the customers to write checks in advance, then you have a start on step one.
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The new products are essentially reconfigurations of existing Oracle products, spurred by a need to touch customers who don't write checks as big as they used to.
In such schemes, the big donors mask illegal contributions to a campaign by recruiting others to write checks that are within the legal limits, then reimbursing each of them.
And of course, we write checks to charitable organizations.
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In order to get some extra time to pay our rent, the guys would write checks to one guy who would collect them all and make a deposit and he would then pay the bills.
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The Review was dealing with bureaucracies like the New York City Department of Education and the Los Angeles Unified School District, a far cry from affluent parents eager to write checks that might buy an Ivy League admission.
The ability to cultivate major donors who can write checks for tens of thousands of dollars at a time as well as establish significant charitable trusts, for example, can make a substantial positive difference in enabling a nonprofit to benefit others.
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For too long, those horses depended, like Blanche DuBois, on the kindness of strangers: strangers to bail them out of kill pens, strangers to write checks to organizations like the Akindale Thoroughbred Rescue, the Thoroughbred Retirement Foundation, Old Friends, CANTER, and ReRun, strangers to find an extra stall on their farms to take in a horse that nobody wants any more.
Now the Connecticut-based bagel pioneer is energizing his formidable network to write large checks to the Democratic National Committee.
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Secondly, the reason we ask the corporations to write the checks is because it is convenient to do it that way.
The fact is he was in a room with a bunch of people that he was hoping would write big checks.
Instead, I fully expect our Federal government, lame duck Congress or "new duck" Congress will write the checks to keep GM in business--at least for now.
Before you write any checks, though, be warned: That nonprofit may be among the many that have developed a taste for fee-laden, high-risk investments in the past few years.
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Activists and policymakers spend an inordinate amount of time arguing about whether the solution to high medical costs is to have government or private insurance companies write the checks.
To date, the ability to write big checks has proved a distinct advantage for Netflix, which will use the money it saves on shipping costs as it moves away from DVDs to continue licensing content to stream.
These positive results are driven by the fact that patients write the checks and are thus fully conscious of the costs, as well as by the fact that providers are under pressure to make their offerings more enticing and affordable.
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When American households write their monthly checks to the gas company, they should quietly thank George Mitchell.
By letting Ann Lurie write the philanthropic checks after he was gone, moreover, Bob Lurie lowered his family's tax payments a bit.
But not all well-heeled parents are willing to write the big checks.