Before contemplating such an extreme step Bob should obtain independent financial advice in writing.
This applies specifically to those who want to try for an online writing career.
You come to appreciate what was wrought in painting, architecture, sculpture, writing and music.
But it was actually Paul Krugman, writing in the Jan. 19 New York Times.
Get the backstory on why writing this essay was harder than the author originally thought.
Bergen is currently writing a book about "homegrown" terrorism, which HBO is basing a forthcoming film on.
It's the live shows, rather than writing or recording, that Slim says he's drawn to the most.
When you focus your writing, you can become an expert on your subject and own your niche.
Mr Lundestad, writing in his memoir, Secretary of Peace, said even Mr Obama himself had been surprised.
But other means could be writing courses, mini-festivals and other events to draw people in.
Thank you Michael for writing the article on why men should not marry career women.
During a writing career which spanned 50 years he wrote more than 20 volumes of poetry.
At an obscure Russian startup, Alexander Yakunin, a theoretical physicist by training, is writing brilliant code.
Besides writing his book, he's done some freelance work in reality TV since then.
But his concentration was slipping: He had a hard time writing sermons or even reading.
LinkedIn co-founder Reid Hoffman has pulled off something extraordinary in his book-writing debut.
In the letter, he discusses how exercise was invaluable to his depressions and writing.
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In April Mitnick's parole officer ordered him to stop freelance writing or speaking publicly.
Your employee practices and policies should be clear and in writing and contained in a book.
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Writing the book has been one of the most rewarding things I have ever done.
Google wanted to spark developer interest in writing applications even before Android-ready phones existed.
The mortgage lending industry is electronic, everything is available to you in writing instantly.
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Government IT is never so interesting as when Henry Kenyon is writing it.
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That was looking less likely today, after the BSkyB announcement about writing off its Kirch investment.
But even before the writing process wound down, the authors faced an altogether different challenge.
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This pupil should "recognise writing technique and bias" with a "sense of the literary".
Everyday there is a good amount of time spent writing e-mail replies in a timely manner.
There were two things I noticed during the years I spent researching and writing the book.
Writing my first book ( Find Your Courage) despite having far more passion than literary skill.
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And I believe there is great power in writing about your feelings about your earnings.