So why would I think about writing about this case when I had insider traders scrambling around New York to find a lawyer at the time?
Apple has already intervened in the wider case, writing to Lodsys to say it's licensed the technology in question itself and to lay off its developers.
Lowe, who works for a major pharmaceutical firm, was writing specifically about the Ariad case.
Here are three storylines that serve as case studies for writing the narrative you want, and responding to those who oppose your point of view.
"I had taken the precaution of writing out what had happened in case my throat swelled up so much I couldn't speak, " she said.
Akbar's personal case is, at this writing, under investigation, it is too early to say with precision.
In the end, we got us a fairly simple case of Tomsha-Miguel writing a phony-baloney letter from a make-believe congressional aide to herself, and then sending this fantasy correspondence to her unsuspecting client in a oddball attempt to convince him that she had resolved the IRS problem.
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Lew Taishoff also covered this case with a focus on the writing style of Judge Holmes.
Brennan responded in writing that such decisions were made on a "case-by-case basis" in a process involving other agencies.
When the ball got rolling again - maybe thanks to writing by Dominick Dunne and Mark Fuhrman - the case moved forward.
Kiriakou says he will spend his time in prison exercising and writing, but intends to use the attention the case has afforded him afterwards.
BBC: Ex-CIA officer Kiriakou 'made peace' with leak decision
In my case, I spent three years reading and writing about the latest research in psychology, behavioral science and neuroscience, and spoke with leading minds in those and additional disciplines to get traction on the material.
In our society many of us are comfortable paying for property insurance (car, home, etc) and writing off the sure loss as payment for financial security in case of an accident.
GPs believe writing medical certificates takes up too much time and that in the case of school children notes from parents or guardians should be sufficient.
In any case, I have learned a great deal about this since writing my first post on the subject.
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She said in a ruling released to lawyers in the case Wednesday and to the public on Thursday that investigating and writing about newsworthy events worldwide was expensive and enforcement of the copyright laws permits the AP to earn revenue to fund it.
Writing in the Daily Mail, Melanie Phillips said there might be a case "for some kind of basic testing of jurors' cognitive abilities".
They just care about winning their case, and they'll take the side of whoever is writing the biggest cheque or will further their careers the most.
The federal High Value Detainee Interrogation Group, a specialized interrogation team led by Federal Bureau of Investigation agents, is on standby in case Mr. Tsarnaev becomes capable of communicating, even if only in writing, officials said.
Doctors at the neurology department at Lariboisiere Hospital in Paris, writing in the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, said it was a unique case.
"The delicate shape and pretty pastel colors make it perfect for writing recipe cards, checks to my psychologist (I'm seeing him for a case of the hysterics), and tracking my monthly cycle, " wrote one reviewer.
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In any case, it's no different from a chief executive having a PR person writing their speeches.
Writing in the current issue of Yale Environment 360, Veron makes an eloquent and succinct case for meeting the challenge of climate change without delay.
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Lawrence Cunningham, a law professor at George Washington University who is writing a book about celebrity contract disputes, says the judge took a narrow view of the case.
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He said he would be writing to the chief executive of North Yorkshire and York Primary Care Trust with his concerns about the case.
In the case of, the innovation has been to bypass the webkit render engine by writing a new, higher-performance engine.
She described writing the book as "very traumatic" but said she hoped it would help raise the profile of her case.
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It is because of that fear that doctors order unnecessary tests and procedures in an attempt to cover themselves in case of lawsuits, and it is the reason health care professionals think twice about sharing information in writing or even verbally, lest it be used against them.
Berkeley, a graduate degree in writing, and years of journalism experience, but, it turned out, my real gift, in this case, was pretending to be an inanimate object that, regardless of the fact that it had no hands or mouth, was able to talk to the world through its Facebook page.
The exhibit makes its case by presenting a variety of innovations, including mass-produced goods and the first known system of writing.
WSJ: The Ur-Metropolis | Uruk | Pergamon Museum | By A.J. Goldmann