The committee, chaired by Sir Nigel Wicks, has already received a large volume of written evidence.
Residents argued the inspector reached his conclusion based solely on Dr Edis's written evidence.
The FA, in its written evidence, is opposed to such intervention, but others parties, including supporters' groups, disagree.
BBC: Former FA chief due at inquiry into football governance
"The revision for which the claimants contend would be a very significant change from his written evidence, " she said.
She said Dr Edis had clearly made this distinction in his written evidence.
As some aspects of delivering improvements are devolved, the Minister will be providing written evidence to the Committee about Wales' needs.
The Foreign Office and the Cabinet Office are overseeing the audit, which will seek written evidence from businesses and EU institutions.
BBC: UK government begins 'comprehensive' audit of EU powers
The jury also heard written evidence from April's father who said he felt "so helpless" on the night his daughter went missing.
In written evidence to the Parliamentary Commission on Banking Standards, Lord Stevenson also said the bank had become "over-exposed" to the property market.
Dr Brian Jones, a senior member of the Defence Intelligence Staff who raised concerns about the 45-minute claim will also provide written evidence.
The audit is to be co-ordinated by the Foreign Office and the Cabinet Office and will invite written evidence from British businesses and EU institutions.
BBC: William Hague launches full 'audit' of EU law and the UK
Written evidence collected from 57 different groups was limited to 3, 000 words per submission, allowing little opportunity to make full cases or to provide details.
The health committee issued an open call for written evidence in January and received 48 responses, nearly all of which were supportive of the measures.
Written evidence suggested the railway was operating by 1793 and Mr Griffin says they were able to prove the line must have run through the tunnel.
They claimed the inspector failed to take into account key expert Dr Jonathan Edis's oral testimony that the harm would be greater than he first indicated in his written evidence.
However Dr Roberts said that all sunbed parlours should be staffed and in his written evidence he called for a ban on the use of sunbeds for under 18 year olds.
While there is written evidence dating back to 1821 indicating such a language existed, beginning in the 1940s it started to get largely phased out in favor of American Sign Language.
Barbara had some written evidence to support her claims.
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Since January 2007, when public bill committees replaced standing committees, parliamentarians have also been able to receive written evidence and call witnesses to testify on the detail of legislation they are examining.
He added that with some students challenging its account, "the BBC must now publish all of the emails and written evidence that it has to support its conjecture that there was full consent".
In their legal challenge, the two groups claim the inspector failed to take into account a key expert's oral testimony the harm would be greater than he first indicated in his written evidence.
The written evidence is thin to non-existent, and the import of the Dead Sea Scrolls, one of the few sources for the period that is mainly in a Semitic language, is hotly contested.
All the written evidence submitted to Silk is due to be published midweek - and that should give a clue to where the commission goes next in terms of selecting those topics that crop up again and again.
"It emerged at the start of the meeting that Trevor Phillips had recently spoken to at least three members of the committee about the committee's consideration of the draft report and the publication of written evidence with the report, " he said.
Labour MSP David Whitton referred to written evidence suggesting that HMRC officials had chosen not to inform the outgoing Scottish government of which Mr McCabe was a part, of the new investment that would be required to upgrade the Inland Revenue's IT systems.
Cymuned will be submitting written and oral evidence to the assembly's housing and culture committees on 7 November.
Then there is the evidence written on the bodies of all living things.
One written document providing evidence of the practice had been found, he added.
There were no written agreements and scant evidence the family agreed to pay him.
If the IRS is convinced by oral or written statements or other supporting evidence and a reasonable approximation can be made, you may be entitled to the expense despite your lack of documentation.