The report - written along with Professor Gareth Stansfield, Dr Andrew Rathmell and Professor Jonathan Githens-Mazer - concludes that premature military action by the West could lead to the increased destabilisation of the already volatile situation in Syria.
Perhaps more disturbing than the IAEA report - written by Muhammad ElBaradei, who with the exception of the mullahs themselves is probably the man least interested in taking action against Iran's program - were the Israeli and US responses to it.
The report was co-written by Dennis Ross, former Middle East adviser to President Barack Obama.
After she checks out, her report is written up, fact-checked by Coyle, and delivered back to the client in a matter of weeks.
The report, written by Romanian centre-right MEP Sebastian Bodu, urges the European Commission to come up with an EU-wide code of conduct to be followed by major European companies.
It could also be that he hopes to use the Attali report, written by a one-time man of the left for a president of the right, to find a new consensus for pressing ahead more forcefully.
"The way airlines have taken 130-seat airplanes and expanded them to 150 seats to squeeze out more revenue I think is finally catching up with them, " said Dean Headley, a business professor at Wichita State University who has co-written the annual report for 23 years.
"The way airlines have taken 130-seat airplanes and expanded them to 150 seats to squeeze out more revenue I think is finally catching up with them, " said Dean Headley, a business professor at Wichita State University in Kansas who has co-written the annual report for 23 years.
Bleacher Report, which started as a fan-written sports site, now plans to hire reporters.
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UN-sponsored report on Arab development, written by Arab scholars, comes to much the same conclusion.
ECONOMIST: Egypt's 50th anniversary: The revolution and its legacy | The
It comes after concerns were raised after BBC Wales revealed a report on NHS changes in north Wales was re-written to make it more positive.
The report has been written ahead of a forthcoming green paper by the European Commission - due to be published in December - on revising the directive.
The report, Generating Economic Benefit and Growth Through Smarter Public Sector Procurement, written by UK-based procurement expert Colin Cram, has been supported by Rosslyn Analytics.
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Some of the commission's findings - contained in a report entitled 'In Defence of Dignity' - are based on almost 190 calls or written submissions following a public appeal for information.