The bill would have criminalized "promotion of homosexuality, " the organization said in a written statement.
In a written statement, the limousine company said it was "deeply saddened" by the deaths.
Police described the residence as "extremely hot, " Coroner Stephen Nonn said in a written statement.
The increase was announced in a written statement by the universities minister David Willetts.
Farley, the company's senior vice president and general counsel, said in a written statement.
Later in the evening, Bush released a written statement giving his reasons for the waiver.
"The Iranian government must understand that the world is watching, " Obama said in a written statement.
CNN: Chaos prevails as protesters, police clash in Iranian capital
Awad hid behind a written statement on which the Senators could not cross-examine him.
"Congressional recognition of these brave soldiers is long overdue, " Bachus said in a written statement.
CNN: After 63 years, vet learns of brother's death in Nazi slave camp
Reno is expected to issue a brief written statement at the conclusion of Monday's talks.
CNN: AllPolitics - Reno Hosts Chinese Counterpart And Beijing Delegation
"Myers Ranch is private property, Barker Ranch is national park property, " Lutze said in a written statement.
In a written statement, Mr. Woloz called the TLC's actions "retaliatory" and hinted at possible legal action.
People found to be involved could be prosecuted under military law, he said in a written statement.
The inquiry uncovered serious errors of judgment and faulty communications, Annan said in a written statement Friday.
In a written statement he said he was near the gate with a full view of it.
"We cannot stop with the publication of this report alone, " the Democrat said in a written statement.
CNN: 'Multiple' failures led to Iraq electrocution, Pentagon says
"This does not mean I am going to become a Republican, " Miller said in a written statement.
But in the written statement, Dodd said he had no idea the legislation would impact the company.
CNN: Dodd: Administration pushed for language protecting bonuses
Roh denied the allegations in a written statement submitted to the prosecution on Saturday, according to Yonhap.
"This is in many ways an old story, " CIA Director Leon Panetta said in a written statement.
CNN: Top prosecutor orders probe into interrogations; Obama shifts onus
David Short's written statement to police said he was in the toilet before his son was shot.
One suspect is in custody, Harris County Sheriff's Office spokesman Thomas Gilliland said in a written statement.
Her comments prompted a written statement from Freeh which did little to dampen speculation on the matter.
CNN: AllPolitics - Reno, Freeh Discuss Independent Counsel For Fund-Raising
In a written statement they say McDonald's are located in commercialized areas that are accessible to all consumers.
"This is a matter of extreme seriousness, " State Department deputy spokesman Philip Reeker said in a written statement.
"We're proud of the campaign we ran in Nevada, " Obama said in a written statement after the caucuses.
The chairman's written statement Thursday said his March 5 comment was "wrong" and that he regrets making it.
WSJ: Standard Chartered Recants, Apologizes for Iran Comments
"KBR has worked diligently to address electrical issues when asked, " the company told CNN in a written statement.
CNN: Shoddy wiring 'everywhere' on Iraq bases, Army inspector says
In a written statement, attorney Paul Kemp said his firm had represented Ivins for more than a year.
CNN: Anthrax suspect, scientist, kills self as FBI closes in
"I'm honored that director Tenet has asked me to tackle this challenging assignment, " Duelfer said in a written statement.