Among the relatives was Maureen Maddison whose 40-year-old British husband Simon died in the WTC.
WTC, but only five lithographs were in its small office in the centre.
Everyone thought it was only taking place in 1 WTC, the other tower.
Joe Baum had a vision to create a great institution on the top of the WTC, and he did more than that.
But for survivors like Sharon Simmons, the first explosion and fire, no matter the cause, was enough to send them running from WTC 2.
Cantor, which occupied offices at the top of the WTC's north tower, was the most seriously affected of the businesses housed in the twin towers.
The center also offers daily walking tours alongside the WTC site.
Teams have found a number of open spaces and air pockets in the WTC's basement areas, and they hope they will find survivors in similar areas.
The headquarters of the two firms high up in No. 1 WTC were destroyed with the loss of over 70% of the approximately 1, 000-person staff, including many top executives.
New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani said two people trapped in the WTC basement made cell phone calls to their relatives to give them their locations, and said others were down there with them.
The BBC's Jane Standley in New York says the public rows and the amendment of the design which won the international competition to rebuild the WTC have left many New Yorkers disillusioned with the project.
Freed believes that the lingering cloud of dust -- caused by the towers' collapse and the digging out of ground zero -- caused some of her long- and short-term medical problems, such as her "WTC cough" and other respiratory issues.
First presented on 11 March, 2002, and shown annually on 11 September ever since, the tribute consists of 88 7, 000-watt xenon light bulbs placed on a roof near the WTC site in two 48-foot squares that echo the shape and orientation of the twin towers.