Chimera architecture removes those boundaries by providing the power to conduct nearly 100 billion mathematical operations per second to perform image processing, using computational techniques used in X-ray CT scanners, deep space telescopes and spy satellites.
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Investigators in Washington have taken X-rays and CT scans of the lithium-ion battery that caught fire in Boston, the safety board said.
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First of all, there is a provider charge and a technical fee for x-rays, CT scans, etc.
He seemed to have developed an infection, but our X-rays and CT scans failed to turn up a source.
More and more people are being diagnosed with these lesions as we use more medical imaging technology such as ultrasound, X-ray and CT scanning.
Caught in the middle is GE's medical division, the old home of current chief Jeffrey Immelt and the biggest seller of X-ray, MRI, ultrasound and CT-scanning equipment in the world.
By the time Mellinger arrived at Landstuhl, the doctors already had a thick file with his medical records, including x-rays and a CT scan.
Philips filled it with big-ticket medical equipment like magnetic resonance imagers, CT scanners and X-ray devices.
In fact, while the low-risk patients might not receive any benefit from the test, there is at least some risk from radiation--which is higher for a CT angiogram than a traditional X-ray.
Now Indian-based companies are moving into an wider range of services: reading CT-scans and X-rays, processing legal documents and helping with animation.
The early use of fracking to get at reserves previously thought of as unrecoverable, shortly after the turn of the 21st century, came about after exploration companies began examining geologic formations using x-ray computed tomography, or CT scanners.
Other new services include enhanced X-ray, ultrasound, and MRI and CT scanning facilities.
The technique can provide excellent, detailed images of the body's soft tissue and is an alternative to using X-ray techniques such as computed tomography (CT).
Since 2004, the National Cancer Institute has been conducting trials to see if CT scans (and standard chest X-rays) can reduce mortality in smokers by detecting lung cancer early.
Additionally, I have a chest x-ray every six months or so and a yearly CT scan.
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An X-ray showed that he had pneumonia, and a CT scan revealed something even scarier: His right lung was filled with a thick, gelatinous fluid.
Had I waited for the cost of a CT screening to come down, chosen the cheaper X-Ray alternative or just done nothing in the hope that I could save enough money to afford the scan, I would have been dead long before the free market got around to accommodating my personal budgetary issues.
It's said the process is similar to how a CT scan functions, but uses visible light instead of X-rays.
CT, which stands for computed tomography, builds up a more revealing picture than a simple x-ray by taking a series of cross-section pictures.