And how can you prevent legitimate worries about fairness from shading into xenophobia and protectionism?
Does the use of any similar provision by any other great power also reflect such xenophobia?
Xenophobia is on the rise, as is nostalgia for a time of stable families and solid values.
With strong multi-ethnic origins, Mr Davis has spoken out in the past against "the extremes of xenophobia".
The Chilean navy is investigating allegations of xenophobia, after a video emerged apparently showing marines chanting offensive slogans.
Weak labour markets risk fanning xenophobia, particularly in Europe, where this is the first downturn since immigration soared.
Mr Schily will have to steer between the need for immigrants and the risks of an upsurge in xenophobia.
These, for most, are the primary reasons to reject Euro entry, not any kind of xenophobia or lack of self-confidence.
And Mr Schily is not put off by the familiar mantra that xenophobia is not to be blamed on the foreigners concerned.
It was Mr. Pat Buchanan, an early contender for the Republican nomination, who most forcefully hoisted the banner of protectionism and even xenophobia.
Bucharest has warned against a wave of xenophobia, following an assault on three Romanians by a mob of Italians in Rome on Friday.
The speedy and comprehensive elimination of all forms of racism and racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance is a priority task for the international community.
In addition, 2011 marks the 10th anniversary of the Declaration against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and related Intolerance, adopted in 2001 in Durban, South Africa.
But xenophobia alone, even allied to Mr Haider's undeniable skill as a tub-thumper, would have been nothing like enough to put him so close to government power.
The question is how to create a more liberal immigration regime that can still be made politically palatable on a continent as prone to xenophobia as Europe.
An alternative ending to this wishful-thinking, Edgar Allan Poe-esque scenario has Jimbo leaving the planet entirely, overcoming his xenophobia to allow himself to be rescued by space aliens.
The CBI has backed Total, while Business Secretary Lord Mandelson has said the country should focus on the economics of the recession, not on "the politics of xenophobia".
Protectionism and xenophobia should be fought wherever they spring up.
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European Commission President Romano Prodi said Mr Haider was using EU enlargement plans to stir up xenophobia, and that other situations like this must be prevented from cropping up.
Though the Europeans did not spell out the reasons for their snub, it was plainly intended as a stern message that intolerance and xenophobia were unacceptable in Europe today.
Still, if xenophobia is one influence on Russia's migration policy (and racist murders are running at roughly one a week), there is another contradictory pressure that the Kremlin cannot ignore.
Yet the Freedom Party, supported as much for its anti-establishment flavour as for Mr Haider's xenophobia, continued to stay above 20% in the opinion polls during and after the country's ostracisation.
As for Mr Le Pen, the leader of the National Front, whose campaign message was a mix of crude xenophobia and anti-establishment populism, his 10.5% was for him an outright disappointment.
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He condemns and deplores in the strongest terms any acts of defamation of religions and religious symbols and he said that such acts amount to - to incitement to hatred and xenophobia.
But Tuesday's Franco-German summit in the southwestern German town of Freiburg -- officially devoted to the fight against racism and xenophobia -- took on added significance in the wake of the Irish referendum rejection.
Victor Ramos, head of the government's Institute Against Discrimination, Xenophobia and Racism, said Argentina wanted to ensure there were no more like Sakic and former Nazi, Erich Priebke, who was extradited to Italy in 1995.
Mr Thackeray - his father anglicised his surname after William Makepeace Thackeray, English author of Vanity Fair - ran the nativist Shiv Sena party which excelled in populism and xenophobia over four decades.
Labour's Jeremy Corbyn welcomed the bill and described the Antarctic as a "zone of peace" which belongs to the world, but suggested some Conservative MPs were showing a "slight degree of xenophobia and nationalism in their approach".