But then why do fetuses yawn and why does the need to yawn not get satiated?
They yawned 50% more frequently in response to seeing members of their group yawn compared with seeing others yawn.
BBC: Earth News - Chimpanzees 'catch' contagious yawns from friends
Once you straighten your back and let out a good yawn, your body feels functional again.
Having only practiced for a week, Walker ran just 16 times for a yawn-inducing 65 yards.
Pitching duels can lead even the most ardent enthusiast to suppress an occasional yawn.
Even her refusal to show up for candidate debates was met with a collective yawn.
The XBox has been a yawn, far from breaking even on the massive investments.
They're the gates of commerce, and the wider they yawn the louder they clank.
Still, I defy anyone there to have felt even the slightest yawn coming on.
When it comes to making donations to the city as a whole, they yawn.
" But she admitted: "I find the whole thing a bit of a yawn to be honest.
But when people yawn at nakedness rather than smile, we will know that the novelty has worn off.
So the next time you yawn, take a look around the boardroom and see who does the same.
FORBES: Watch Out When The CEO Yawns - And No One Yawns Back
Even more worrying was whether the exhausting pace of the past week would suddenly yield a humiliating yawn.
Umrao Jaan 2006 has bombed at the box office - critics panned it for being a big yawn.
And what if this happened to little fanfare, to a broad collective yawn from economic analysts and business journalists?
His idea, ahead of its time, was greeted with a yawn by biologists.
GTE, proclaim their excitement about their corporate marriage, Wall Street and the telecoms industry has reacted with a yawn.
There's a persistent anecdote that parachutists yawn just before jumping out of airplanes.
The collective yawn was loud as The Red Hot Chile Peppers captured a top billing for a third return visit.
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It may be tempting to print money to fill the gap--except that it's about to yawn as wide as the Grand Canyon.
And it seems to be bringing a collective yawn around the country.
This is one of the reasons I let out a big yawn every time the latest food source of antioxidants is discovered.
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For every reviewer who applauds, there is one who stifles a yawn.
Its long awaited Windows 8 operating system was welcomed by the market with a yawn amidst rapidly declining PC sales and general apathy.
If the failure to anticipate future comparisons was limited to snack foods, then Frito-Lay would care, and the rest of us would yawn.
While no hard data exist, Yawn says the Preventive Task Force has been asked to review significantly more screenings in the past four years.
The precious metals reacted with a yawn to news that European officials late Monday agreed to give Greece another shot of bailout money.
How embarrassing it would be for France's politicians if their leap into the modern age was greeted not with enthusiasm but with a yawn.
Overheard on CNN.com: Is Facebook's video chat awesome or yawn-some?