"After the World Cup and the obvious disappointment of that, I went away to think about whether I really believed I can continue to make progress with this side, and eventually I decided that yes I do, " said Hadden.
For some reason they won't stick to my window, and yes, before you ask, yes I do keep it clean.
At the end, as I was signing the check -- and, yes, I do still have a credit card.
Ms. HARDY: Yes, I do - I was delighted to be with you last Friday.
Yes, I do believe in privacy, but outwardly I could see nothing wrong with him physically.
When Huckabee was asked yesterday whether he thinks waterboarding is illegal, he said, yes, I do.
But, yes, I do care about families who have been struggling because of crushing health care costs.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama��s Town Hall in Cannon Falls, Minnesota
Jack: Yes, I do believe that China will ultimately be able to implement, and enforce, such policies.
Yes, I do know why Amazon has done it, all the sock puppets rolling around those review sections.
Umm, yes, I do get angry, angry at length obviously, at journalists (and environmentalists) not understanding this point.
Yes, I do feel sorry for the voters in those two states because their votes should have mattered.
Mr. JORDAN: Yes, I do intend to run and I had tremendous support at that city council hearing.
Mr. MICHAEL MEYERS (Executive Director, New York Civil Rights Coalition): Yes, I do.
"Yes, I do, " Mr. Loughner responded, as his lawyer, Judy Clarke, sat near him, at times putting her hand on his back.
Yes, I do think it fair to say that wild gyrations are a sign of failure in an economic policy or system.
Yes, I do think that MAC OS and iOS are more secure than Windows was, certainly, quite possibly more secure than it is.
FORBES: Yes, Apple Really Does Have A Serious Problem With Computer Viruses And Malware
And yes, I do want you to go on, I like the idea of you spending your Friday nights combing my copy for grammatical errors.
Yes, I do believe that exceptional times call for exceptional measures - but they have to be the right exceptional measures, not the wrong ones.
It's usual after you thank the family, you thank your agent and yes I do want to thank him and through him the wonderful people of Sedgefield.
Yes, I do understand that you intend to develop them.
FORBES: No, Asteroid 2012 DA14 Isn't Worth $195 Billion, Whatever Deep Space Industries Says
Yes, yes, I do realise that this is government here.
FORBES: How Darn Stupid Do You Have To Be To Both Subsidise And Tax Green Energy?
And yes, I do mean both casual and core gamers.
FORBES: iPhone 5 Boasts "Full Console Quality" Graphics, But Apple Mutes Mobile Gaming Presence