Take away anything that blocks your view or forms a barrier between you and the rest of the team.
FORBES: Want to Build Collaboration? Watch Your Body Language!
If you're not careful, Nikon's premier ED lens glass will become a barrier between you and the rest world.
Instead, they have rewarded you and the rest of management with bonuses, options and golden parachutes while your shareholders have watched their stock decline.
You watch his video, you watch it again, and then pretty soon, you and the rest of the world have watched it one billion times.
They fought it in 2005 and 2007 when you and I and the rest of our Senate colleagues botched the chance to do immigration reform, and the economy was strong then.
Youssou N'Dour once said that "in Africa if you make it yourself, you keep something and the rest you give back".
It's already in effect for you and for the rest of the folks that the major provisions are going to be kicking in.
That way, you get the important stuff realtime, and the rest you can catch up on when you have a spare moment.
If you read on and read the rest of my speech you wouldn't be concerned with it, but it was a poor choice of words.
CNN: Sotomayor's 'wise Latina' comment a staple of her speeches
Pop in the level of coverage you want (LTE, 4G, 3G, 2G, or roaming), and the networks you want to check out, and the app will do the rest to give you an idea of the coverage available.
FORBES: Check Out Cellular Data Coverage In Advance With 'Coverage?' For iOS
He began in radio, migrated to television, over to CNN, and you know the rest.
Dodd warms without ado to Freddie, and you spend the rest of this fretful, elegant movie wondering why.
If you hear that phrase enough, you might be tempted to assume the company is right and you should move on with the rest of your life.
FORBES: Are 787's Lithium-Ion Batteries Hazardous to Boeing's Health?
Obey the Law of the Land: Take what you need, only what you need, and leave the rest.
To you and your families, the rest of us cannot begin to imagine the pain you've endured these many years.
Instead, talk to the people you need to, and forget the rest.
But I promise you the Mississippi Gulf Coast and all the rest of Mississippi will recover and then we'll rebuild.
Time was running out, so the excess salt ended up in the sugar bowl, and you can figure out the rest.
And if you find your soul mate, you'll be happy for the rest of your life and you'll never have problems.
If you're only serving cold food, each child will bring one or two snacks and you'll supply the rest.
It should be 4, 000 maximum, then you take the rest and with that money you create a social security net.
RAMALLAH, West Bank (CNN) -- We -- you, me, and the rest of the world -- have been voyeurs to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict for a long time.
The most you probably get out of it is two pars of pants and you've got to find the rest anyway.
New Yorkers can take the service for a spin today, Bostonians will get the green light come May 15th, and the rest of you can see what you're missing in the demo video after the break.
People who accomplish far more you and I are always amazed that the rest of us spend so much time dithering and over-analyzing everything.
FORBES: Extremely Successful People Have a Message For The Rest Of Us: 'Get Off Your Butt'
In essence you are taking care of yourself and your family before you are paying the rest of your expenses.
The lid on this guy wobbles less than on more expensive machines we've tested, an impressive feat, though pick up the notebook by the palm rest and you'll hear some creaking coming from the left side.
"His view of life has always been, 'If you do a good job, if you really do your homework, if you're thorough and intelligent about how you handle these tasks, it speaks for itself, and the rest will take care of itself, '" Pachios says.
Feel the warmth and security as you curl its plush arm around your body and rest your head on the half-chested slab of memory foam that oddly happens to be wearing a full button-down shirt to bed.