Never ever put your business in the position where you are dependent on one individual for access to government officials.
If you are dependent on a robotic wheelchair for mobility, for example, does the wheelchair count as part of your body?
The higher up the org chart you reside, the more dependent you are on the leadership ability of those you lead.
"I don't want to underestimate the importance of proximity to the Gulf, but we'll have to be looking at the nature of your industry and how dependent you are on Gulf resources, " he said.
Now you might say if universities are dependent on the public sector there might be a chilling effect as well.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Education | Higher education 'market' warning
It will be highly dependent on who you are, and what you want out of life.
The most common is to provide for people who are financially dependent on you like children and perhaps a spouse.
Your interceptor vehicle will now transform into other vehicles, such as a motorcycle or a jet ski - all dependent on what environment you are driving in.
The fares travelers pay typically have little relation to how far you fly, even though airline costs are largely dependent on the length of a flight.
"When you are deprived of money for a job, you become dependent on them for your food, your transport, for everything, " says Mark.
You have countries, like Finland and Slovakia, that are entirely dependent on Russian gas not only paying two very different prices, but also paying less than many countries, like Poland, that get barely 50% of their gas from Russia.
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Since the ruble tends to strengthen when the price of oil rises, because the Russian budget and economy are both so heavily dependent on energy exports, you would expect that a tripling in the price of oil would have significantly boosted the ruble.
Perhaps you bought it to provide for young children in case you died prematurely, but now those children are grown and no longer dependent on your income.
Most businesses are dependent on the entrepreneur, and if that is you then you really need to get the first two issues handled (saving money and investing in assets that make you money).
FORBES: David Bach on How to Build a Career Without Going Broke
You see, while retailers are getting ripped off, they're also dependent on the very mechanism that fuels the phenomenon.
For good reason, you might say: given a fragile recovery, all of us in Europe are now unusually dependent on US growth.
BBC: Why is America's fiscal cliff more worrying than Europe's?