To see crows, opossums and squirrels, "you can go anywhere, " he said, and in the Northeast it's easy to find trees, but large blocks of deep forest are rare.
One of the strong points of "Smuggler's Run" is the fact that you can go anywhere and do anything in your attempt to beat your opponents to the pick up or delivery point.
Banks: I guess it's the freedom that you get in science fiction, that you can basically go anywhere.
CNN: Author Iain M. Banks: 'Humanity's future is blister-free calluses!'
The VoiceStick isn't going to replace your cell phone, and if you need to make sure you can make calls anywhere you go, a good calling card is still your best option.
You can't go anywhere because if he catches it, then he does get multiple outs.
And one of my favorite quotes in there is from a three star general who has served a lot of time overseas and came to Washington for a tour, and said, you know, you can't go anywhere and find a four star general without his own security detail and entourage.
Its versatile go-anywhere shape is wrapped in a specially developed acoustic skin that is both water and stain resistant so you can enjoy your music anywhere you go.
Check out this cool tech demo below to see how you can take your entertainment with you anywhere you go.
FORBES: A Closer Look At How Samsung Galaxy S4 Will Change The Game
"I mean on one level it's delightful if you don't have to go anywhere, which you can't really, " he said.
You can go on that website and find out anything, anywhere in the country.
Even without Jeeves, can still take you anywhere on the net you need to go.
FORBES: Happy B-day, Jeeves: As Turns 15, A Refocus on Q&A
And mostly you go to soak up that rare "Six Degrees of Separation" from reality you can't find anywhere else.
You go anywhere else, the kids might have somewhere to go like an after school centre or somewhere they can direct their energy to.