Mr. LEE: You can get - I think you can get 10 tickets for 100 bucks.
Can you recommend someone I can speak with about insurance coverage and other expenses related to the special needs of my child?
Ms. PROSE: ...and just look at what you can learn, what you can borrow, what you can steal, really, I think that's the way to learn how to write.
You can use mine and I can use yours, and at least we can keep out everyone else.
Can you put two days aside so I can teach you how to write a play?
"I think the day can be so mundane and work can bog you down, so I like any chance I can get to get some joy, " Khan said.
But the information I gave you is what I can tell you about it.
But I can guarantee you I will -- I look at this from the perspective of how can I create a strong, viable, competitive auto industry that is giving workers an opportunity to build a great product, take pride in that product, and continue to support their families and build communities that are strong.
"No matter what shape you're in, if you're good enough to get a quarterback who can help you, then I think miracles can happen, " Brandt said.
But no matter how strong your feelings about regional styles or particular places, I can tell you exactly where you can find the very best barbecue in existence (By BBQ I mean the collection of smoked ribs, pulled pork, chicken, brisket and related items that Americans collectively refer to as barbecue, not the global definition which includes everything from Argentineans skirt steak to Korean kalbi).
"All right, well, I'll have to look you up before I can give you any information about our clients, " he said.
Mind you, I can barely remember what I was doing 30 seconds ago, but even after more than 15 years, I absolutely, positively recall every last move of the Macarena.
But those are things that the lawyers can tell you more about than I can.
CNN: Transcript: Gore talks with reporters outside the White House
And in terms of new proposals that he may announce, I don't have a time to give you, but I can assure you he is working very hard on those issues.
And I can promise you that I won't let up until the Americans who want to find work can find work and until all Americans can earn enough to raise their families and keep their businesses open.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks on Fort Hood and Job Numbers
But what I can tell you is that there are plenty of people involved in the political process who are willing to make phony promises about what they can do to address rising gas prices -- that if -- and I can tell you that they're empty promises.
WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing by Deputy Press Secretary Josh Earnest
But what I can speculate about and what I can tell you about is what the focus of our planning is on.
WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing by Deputy Press Secretary Josh Earnest
If I ask you to help me, you can refuse and I will find others who will help me.
And if you have other questions that I can help answer, please -- I'll stand here as well and you can direct them to me.
The results you can't control, but I can control which pitches I swing at.
You know, I can tell you as a small businessman, it's the high cost of health care that's hurting entrepreneurship in our country right now.
As they see one another looking at great universities and trying to aim for great financial aid packages, then their peers, their friends also say, 'If you can do that, I can, too.
Maybe I'm just being a panicky New Englander, but when 2 to 3 feet of snow drops on your city so fast that you can practically hear the thump, I can't imagine how we'd get our streets and trolley tracks cleaned fast enough to avoid a day when it's better if everyone just stays at home, does some shoveling and watches "Buffy" seasons 1-4.
"You get this feeling I can do whatever I want, you know, nothing is going to really hold me back, " said student Calla Chang.
You can't touch the screen (which I get), you can't touch the power button and you honestly can't do anything beyond starting and stopping a recording.
ENGADGET: Mophie Outride review: action-cam case for iPhone can't replace dedicated shooters
You can never stop great players but you can limit their impact and I thought our guys did a wonderful job.
'If you want to play God, I can't stop you, but I'm staying with my people.
So when you have a personal stake in it like this, I mean you can understand some of those emotions, and I respect those emotions, frankly.