"And over the course of the next few weeks and months I got a number of calls saying what is this outrageous idea, countries aren't brands, you can't say that, " Anholt said.
It's just that, you know, when, you know, after horses have gone through the surgery, you can't say to a horse, well, you know, lie in bed for six weeks and you'll be okay.
Just because you're in the U.S., you can't say, 'This EC directive can't affect me.
However, you can't say the same thing about the differences between men and women.
And you can't say because Saddam might have done it 10 years from now, that's a reason.
You can't say that they shouldn't follow you or they should stop taking your photo or videoing.
You can't say, 'Just because that's the way it's been, we have to keep going that way.
"You can't say that it'll never happen - you have to be realistic and use common sense, " he said.
They're no longer on active duty and if you are on active duty you can't say this kind of stuff.
"The old adage 'if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all' applies to sentencing statements, " Bernstein said.
While on a valuation basis Dell is the most expensive of the three, you can't say that about IBM or HP.
"You can't say he is not ready on Day One, then you want him to be your vice president, " he continued.
"You can't say, 'OK, it's time to design, ' " Mr. Gill said.
"You can't say that because they are hearing abstinence education, they don't know anything about what they call 'safer sex, ' " Donovan says.
Mr. PAUL MILLER (American League of Lobbyists): You can't say it and then call us the next day and ask us for campaign contributions.
Ms. DUNHAM: Grief is personal and you can't say what's right for you is wrong from somebody else and that everybody has to do it their own way.
"The balance of benefits or harms may be different with young women, so you can't say this absolutely applies to younger women making hormone therapy decisions, " Crandall said.
If there is one lesson to be learned from the autumn it is that there is still an art market, and you can't say that anymore about all markets.
ECONOMIST: Art.view: The incredible shrinking saleroom | The
You can't say one thing during the campaign trail and then apologize afterward and say it was a mistake, and that has repeatedly happened during the course of this campaign...
"Until you start drilling you can't say for sure how much oil there is, " says Donald Boham, Shell's spokesman in Lagos, licking his thumb and holding it up to an imaginary gust of wind to make his point.
So in the end, you can't really say that this has ever been successfully challenged in the modern era.
"You've got to make the argument, you can't just say we've been here for 13 years and it's not really worked with 60 members, " he added.
But some of these -- some of these programs, for instance, the replacement nuclear warhead or shutting Yucca Mountain -- you can't really say that Yucca Mountain is an ineffectual program.
You and your wife are both still very young, and so any decisions you make are likely to have to last you for a long time, so they have to be properly thought through - and by that I mean that you can't just say "I don't like my job so I'm off!"
And I understand obviously that you don't want to get into predicting future costs, but why can't you guys say how much has been spent so far over the six days, or even just last weekend?