You couldn't see no--you couldn't see none of the cane all the way up to the front.
But you couldn't change or improve the search your computer was enabling, you couldn't get involved creatively.
You couldn't use them against your external enemies because there really weren't very many, and you couldn't use them against your domestic adversaries because the white and black races were so close together.
Even if you had a good credit rating, even if you had an ample salary, you just couldn't get a loan for your business, you couldn't get a loan for -- to buy a car, you couldn't get anything.
It wasn't that you couldn't find journalists questioning the official story, raising doubts about the administration's claims, and doing the hard work to determine what the truth was.
And, perhaps most importantly, if you went for a traditional low-riding supercar--such as the Aston Martin Vanquish--instead of the Arnage T, you couldn't put a six-foot-two-inch driver up front and another passenger of equal height in the backseat, because there wouldn't even be a backseat, let alone a huge trunk.
"This river's colour is about the same as excrement, even if there weren't dead pigs you couldn't drink it, " said another, with the username Yuzhou Duelist.
Navigating the menus wasn't a hassle with the circular D-pad, and although apps weren't booting instantly, you couldn't call the user experience slow or at all frustrating.
ENGADGET: Hands-on with the Asha 205 and Nokia's Slam quick-sharing feature (video)
We know that the Marine Corps, you guys do a lot of the work, but you couldn't do what you do if you didn't have your families supporting you.
The classic argument against electronic news was that it wasn't very portable -- you couldn't take it with you anywhere.
My mother didn't display much emotion you couldn't tell if she was engaged or bored and wishing she were back home with Cookie and Skippy, her Boston Terrier but that's normal for her.
While Graph Search won't show you any information that you couldn't see otherwise, it does pull all that data together in one place in a way that could have some creepy uses.
It doesn't make any difference if, like me, you couldn't even speak English until you were in your 20s.
BBC: NEWS | Americas | Full text: Arnold Schwarzenegger's speech
Whether you're looking to flip a home, buy into a neighborhood you couldn't otherwise afford or planning to rent the home, you, like these big companies, must have heaps of cash on hand.
The difference being that, even if you knew somebody, you couldn't get a room in Shreveport.
And as you all have said consistently, you couldn't do it without each other.
Of course, you couldn't trap people like Anderson or the midwestern businesswoman with Culture Farms.
Just a few weeks ago, it seemed like you couldn't give news organizations away.
"You couldn't ask for a better daughter, " she managed to get across her lips.
If you couldn't pay, they would charge you extra and would beat you up.
You couldn't talk to him for two minutes about anything without it ending in some triviality.
And you couldn't really call his training ideal no theatrical experience, no Conservatory there's only talent.
Because Port is sweet and alcoholic, you might think you couldn't tell one from another.
WSJ: 2003 Vintage Port as a Holiday Gift | Tastings by Gaiter and Brecher
"You couldn't move my own mother out of Medicare with a bulldozer, " he said.
The question is, if you couldn't do it right, should you have done it at all?
You couldn't have had a stronger field here, and I don't think anyone performed particularly badly.
That was really - when you were humming, you couldn't open your big mouths.
From a transportation standpoint, you couldn't do a lot worse than take out New Jersey.
"It was so hot you couldn't even touch it, " Sandhu said of the debris.
CNN: Engine malfunction caused plane debris to fall in Canada