"If you can afford a studio apartment in New York City, you can definitely afford an island, " says Farhad Vladi , founder of specialty brokerage Vladi Private Islands, based in Hamburg, Germany.
On flat riding roads, where we did most of our testing, the assistance creates an experience where, though you still need to pedal, you can definitely feel a substantial amount of help from the motor.
So, you know, the options are doing container planting or doing the whole upside down, you know, technique, which you can definitely, you know, put that in your front yard, which, you know, you maybe going to place to put it in dirt, but you know, just finding a place to put a hook up and you can start growing there.
If you don't mind tugging, you can definitely keep it close, but we were expecting a somewhat more elegant solution for having the canister trail the brush bar.
If you inspect icons and images close up, you can definitely see the rougher edges, but you'll have to really be looking for them.
ENGADGET: HTC 8S review: a budget Windows Phone that doesn't compromise on style
The beer isn't overwhelming, but you can definitely taste it, like the beer in a beer-battered fish.
So, skittering over the hard-pack it has a tendency to rattle against a helmet's exterior, something which you can definitely hear in the video.
"It's pretty much a haze covering the town, and you can definitely smell it, " said Ashley, whose shelter was housing more than 170 animals dropped off by evacuees.
"You can definitely gain a better first impression of candidates using a combination of video and CV rather than their CV only, " says Walter Hueber, chief executive of Cammio.
BBC: Skype interviews: Is it more tricky to be grilled by video?
Looking at the pictures in our sample gallery, you'll be hard pressed to pick out any softness, because they've been shrunken down to a mere 800 x 600 pixels in size, a situation that's mirrored when viewing pictures on the phone, so you can definitely see HTC's motivation for optimizing its software to make things look good at lower resolutions.
S. -Oh, purists, you'll definitely love the fact that you can now (finally) turn off menu bar transparency.
You may not want my output, but you definitely want my dollar so that you can acquire what you do want.
If you are using a larger card (16GB, say), you'll definitely want to make sure you can use the full capacity, since the install image is only about 2GB.
"There are definitely things you can do if you have more money, " Hinton said.
There's definitely times you can be a normal person, you just have to do it in the right environment.
"Brooklyn can definitely get you more bang for the buck, but it is by no means cheap, " he said.
Now you can imagine that listeners definitely wanted to talk back to us about politics and a few other things on their mind.
NPR: Two Weeks Of Non-Stop Political Action Sets Off Bloggers
Kaz: I can definitely tell you we are having some conversations.
But if you have those controls, it can definitely improve security.
"I am not a political leader so I cannot interpret much on political terms, but as a soldier I can tell you this is definitely indicative of our growing friendship, " Major Ghosh said.
"When you tell them you can do an analytics project using sophisticated software, it's definitely something they pay attention to, " he said.
Bridge is definitely on the comeback, so you can learn to play through a community college or continuing education program, or hire a private instructor for lessons.
Locking the back tire to prevent theft (if a lock is used at all) is a trick that definitely only works in Japan -- you can't leave a bike unattended for five minutes in New York City without it disappearing, even with a wheel lock.
ENGADGET: NTT DoCoMo Shared Bicycle Initiative hands-on (video)
We dunno, but we're definitely going to find out for you exactly what we can expect.
ENGADGET: & Joystiq's live coverage of Microsoft's Xbox 360 E3 event
The injury itself, which you can see in the image above, is definitely a localized, blunt force trauma.
FORBES: Archaeologists Uncover Evidence Of Early Human Violence -- And Caring
Just because you have one or two markers of genetic risk does not mean that you will definitely develop a particular condition, but the outcome can be affected by changes in lifestyle, or in some cases, by taking medication.