Look at the words he's used: "outrageous", "intolerable", "inexcusable", and if you didn't get it, "wrong".
Advice: If you didn't buy them when they were more affordable, now is not the time.
In fact, you could easily miss them if you didn't know where to look.
You didn't know which way it was going to ricochet or what's going to happen.
There are also arguments to be made on either side that you didn't mention.
WSJ: Is a Home Warranty Necessary in a Hot Market?--WSJ House Talk
It would be different if you were dealing with someone you didn't really care for.
You didn't take this long getting started after the wildfires in Oakland, did you?
But when you went back-to-school shopping, I'm going to guess you didn't buy a Trapper Keeper.
ENGADGET: This is the Modem World: An ode to the trapper keeper
You didn't always need a degree, and your competition was pretty much limited to your neighbors.
So, what you didn't see was what happened to their deposits inside of the third quarter.
You didn't think T-Mobile forgot all about you G2x users out there, did ya?
If you didn't know Africa is a hotbed of six-string wizardry, don't feel bad.
You didn't quite promise that we would not as a country be part of the bailout.
And then there was a non-overlapping, a 13-month period, where you didn't beat the market.
Because if you were, you know, an AAA-rated corporation, you didn't have any problem borrowing money.
Bummed because you didn't get to that soy latte before it reached room temperature?
Just in case you didn't know what was going on three seconds after the movie started.
One problem you didn't itemise is the difficulty for consumers in keeping track of their payments.
You didn't really think it was going to be called the Gandalf, did you?
Therefore, we can understand why you didn't safeguard your digital digs from your extended family.
Just because you didn't see me doesn't mean I wasn't working and collecting checks.
You must have been relieved that you didn't get panned like David Davis did.
Sounds cool, but it would be cooler if you didn't have to wear a phone-size receiver, too.
Fans had signs with Lin's face on it, and posterboards with Lin puns you didn't think possible.
It's the thing you didn't realise at the time was important that could become the most significant.
With its old program, flight credits expired if you didn't fly enough to reach a free ticket.
Initially the double payment was an administrative error, but your vice was that you didn't correct it.
You're going to get through this period, and you're going to be very glad you didn't bankrupt.
Whether you got the job -- or you didn't -- most job seekers want to know why.
You have every right to be and nobody would have blamed you if you didn't come today.