"If you do what I do you are going to end up making people sometimes happy and sometimes unhappy, " he says.
That being said, if you might play in hail and pouring rain, or on the leading edge of a hurricane, and you can afford it, I suggest you do what I do, and what a lot of PGA Tour pros do, and invest in GoreTex and invest in the Rolls Royce of rainwear, Zero Restrictions.
Mr. PAVAROTTI: (As Giorgio Fini) Do you think I do this for my own pleasure?
"More than demanding what you should do, I do want to tell you that we want to contribute, " he said.
You could do what I do to relieve stress before it even happens, or you can just wait until things blow over (because they will).
So what more do you think I should do?
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Makes a Statement on the Sequester
"I must tell you every time I do one, you say to yourself, 'God I hope this is the last one, " he said.
And I said to him, 'Well, do you think I should' -- I don't think I said get rid of -- I said, 'But do you think I should put away or maybe give to Betty or give to someone the gifts?
CNN: Transcript: White House Deputy Counsel Mills' statement
If you could just do one thing, I know you will do many things, but if you could just do one thing in the Senate for the next two years until President Bush's term ends, what would it be?
You know, I misspeak, and all of us do, and I think when you do then you want to make sure that you get that cleared up.
I'm gonna do you a little boogie on this here piano, doing mighty fine, I'm gonna make you shake it, I'll make you do it and make you do it until you break it, it's called the Lewis boogie, in the Lewis way, Lord, I do my little boogie woogie every day.
"Now you people do what you got to do, because I feel this is all a total frame setup, " Ranta said at his sentencing.
And the Rohingya hold themselves -- hold within themselves the same dignity as you do, and I do.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks at the University of Yangon
The only thing I do want to make sure you understand is when I do visit Alaska, it's going to be during the summer. (Laughter.) So I just wanted to be clear about that.
If I just, you know, do what I'm supposed to do, which is work for him, and I'll have more and more open doors.
Do you see - and I'm serious - do you see a forthcoming Web site or book which would be titled, No Longer With My Kids Mamahood for the fathers?
Just do what I tell you to do and let the owners worry about the bottom line.
If you do the right thing, and you explain it clearly and you do it openly, I'm confident that the American people -- you can have an adult conversation and say, this is not going to be easy, this is not going to be painless, we're going to be struggling for a while, but our future is bright.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Takes Questions from Senate Democrats
And I thank you for all that you do, and I thank you, Mr. President, for this exchange of ideas we were able to have today.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Meets with Peruvian President Garcia
Barack, I consider you a good friend, and you know I would do anything for you.
"I would like you to hug Grandma, but I won't make you do it, " I told her recently.
I'm going to continue to do what I do and see you at the top or not.
And I am telling you that federal judges do not take bribes and I am telling you that I have never bribed anyone in my life and I sure as hell am not going to do it now on your case.
If we have all of you continuing to work as you do, I am confident that we will meet these challenges.
Do you have, I mean I know this is a broad question, but do you have a sense of what they think would make their stay, their tours in Iraq better?
' And I said, 'Excuse me, you went to Warner Bros. with an idea of how you were going to do Batman, and you're saying I'm supposed to do Superman, but I don't have the idea in my head.
"Because I was an intuitive coach ... whatever it is you need to do, I can describe it in a way that you internalize it and you feel it without me having to demonstrate it, " she said.