He said, yeah you, I don't know why you're running against George Bush.
"You don't know why that happened, " he told reporters at the London event.
You say you don't know why we are fighting -- what we are trying to accomplish -- and even whether we are "at war" at all.
And I was - I often would wonder why - you know, why we don't correct these things, why didn't he correct these things.
The homescreen itself only functions in landscape mode, and doesn't re-orient when you flip the phone sideways (though we don't know why you'd ever use it that way).
Don't know why I ever thought I needed, don't know why I thought I needed, don't know why I ever thought I needed you.
"You're worried because they don't know exactly why and how and who, " Gerbe said.
Like, why don't you, you know, explain to me what safe sex is.
And when you try to explain it to them they still don't know why it exists.
Mr. SILKEN: You know, the one thing that I don't understand is why Rudy didn't campaign in Michigan, New Hampshire, Iowa unless he's going to be a spoiler just by trying to take Florida here.
"I don't know why, but that's what you want to win, the granddaddy of them all, " he says.
And then as I grew up, you know, I started to appreciate my culture and where they're from and so I decided, like you know, I don't like what's out there, so why don't I try doing something to change it too?
"I don't know why (they would not talk) to tell you the truth, " said Ballantyne of Orient Aviation.
"Why you'd put soybeans in there, I don't know, " says Thomas Adams, a biofuels expert at the University of Georgia.
"I don't make judgments about why people chose not to leave but, you know, there was a mandatory evacuation of New Orleans, " he said.
So -- but you need to -- I just want you to know, it's not like we haven't thought of why don't we use the SBA. We have.
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People motivated in this - as they don't vote in high numbers for local council elections, and that therefore you know, why should they be bothered.
"You just don't know when or where it's going to happen next and that's why people are so frightened, " he said.