You don't say that if you don't like a new law, you'll start an insurrection to overthrow the government.
Google News is starting to allow a tremendous amount of personalization features and the ability to drill down into sources you like and sources you don't, and eliminate sources you don't like.
If, however, you don't have health insurance or you don't like the insurance you have, you can choose from the same wide variety of private plans that members of Congress choose from.
At first we didn't like it, you don't like nobody telling you in your face what to do.
But if you don't have a retirement savings plan or you don't like the one you have, you will be able to open a new American retirement account that will provide no hassle, portable savings opportunities throughout your career.
CNN: Clinton's October 9, 2007 speech on retirement security
And I know how hard you all work, and practicing even when you don't feel like it sometimes, right, and lugging heavy instruments around when you don't feel like it, pushing yourselves to learn new pieces, or getting that last measure just right.
If the company you work for doesn't provide insurance or you don't like the plan offered, you are forced to try to buy a policy with aftertax dollars.
"You can't besmirch places you don't like", Mr Steinberg said.
Testifying before the committee in April, Mr Clegg said the plans were not intended to give voters "an unlimited, unqualified, untrammelled right to trigger a by-election, whenever you happen to feel like it, because you don't like the cut of the jib of your local MP".
Like any top level sportsman, if you don't like confrontation or squeezing the last ounces of strength out of yourself, then you're not ready for a fight.
CNN: Defending Dakar Rally champion Al-Attiyah quits 2012 race
"If you're going to be working out at 5:30 p.m. every day, and you don't like crowds, you want to check to see how busy the club is at this time, " MacInnis says.
"I think every show we've put on the air, whether you like it or you don't like it, has been a very aggressive shot at a show that's significantly unlike anything anybody on television has ever seen before, " he said.
And if instead what you do is you indulge in, I think, a complete distraction which is sort of creating a top ten hit list of the specific directives you don't particularly like - by the way the directives that I don't particularly like - you just kind of miss the big picture.
You don't want to buy a tobacco stock, uncheck it, or you don't really like this industry, you uncheck that.
But don't suddenly end up having a GSA administrator who is stuck in limbo somewhere because you don't like something else that we're doing, because that doesn't serve the American people.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Takes Questions from Senate Democrats
It's like declaring, back in 1842, that you don't like to sew.
If you don't like capitalism at its most flamboyant and brash, don't come to Las Vegas - especially in the week of CES. Most conversations involve selling you something - and this week that means technology.
If you don't like the site and think UFO study is malarkey, don't flame its Web master and tell him I sent you.
Be very specific and say what it is about the boss' behavior you don't like.
Instagram has created a built-in way to hide tagged photos you don't like from your your profile.
You don't like him if you're 60 years old and own a KFC franchise--or eat at one.
Having said that, I want to repeat -- compromise, by definition, means taking some things you don't like.
WHITEHOUSE: Presidential Press Conference on a Historic Congressional Session | The White House
You don't like to make excuses, but there are a lot of different reasons why we're not there.
"If you don't like the view on the first floor, go look out the second floor, " she said.
"Talk to them about why you don't like it: It's unnatural and unloving, " Portland State's Dr. Gowen says.
So if you don't like me, go ahead and just say, you know, you're a bum -- that's okay.
You don't like the 1920s Fritz Lang Metropolis look of your redone bathroom?
"If you don't like the death penalty, fine, change the law, " he said.