In everyday life, when you do something reckless like that you get fired, or go to jail.
All other things being equal, it is your ability to brand yourself as a net-value-creator that will determine whether you get fired or promoted.
The rig survivors also said it was always understood that you could get fired if you raised safety concerns that might delay drilling.
You can not have an open door in a place where you can get fired for anything and replaced by anyone for less money no less.
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Which is ever so slightly strange: not apologising for a bad product seems to get you fired faster than delivering a bad product does.
To paraphrase my friend David Henderson, people who work to get you fired are not your friends no matter how much they claim to care.
Today, it might get you fired.
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It may not seem fair to have your entire career tarnished by a tweet, but if that tweet causes a negative PR hurricane to slam into your company after hinting at potentially covert information about an incredibly important new product, yes, it is enough to get you fired.
But I suppose if a facial is that important to you, and you don't want to get fired for taking a two-hour lunch, the faster you get in and out the better.
You get your grass-roots movement fired up to stand up and do something.
You may get severance pay when you quit your job, are laid off or fired.
Empirically the way you get a product visionary as CEO is for him to found the company and not get fired.
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And I want you to know that the grassroots work that you all are doing to get people focused and fired up?
And I just want you to know that the grassroots work that you all are doing to get people focused and fired up -- that work is at the core of everything we do in this campaign.
If you had asked me whether I thought anyone would get fired, I would have said, no of course not.
And I want you to know that the grassroots work that you all are doing on the ground to get people focused and fired up, that work is at the core of everything we do in this campaign.
Thankfully we get back to base without being fired at, not as uncommon as you might think.