Even if you had a good credit rating, even if you had an ample salary, you just couldn't get a loan for your business, you couldn't get a loan for -- to buy a car, you couldn't get anything.
Remember those days when you just couldn't find a VHS tape to save your life?
You know, you could see it but you just couldn't get too close to it.
When you went in front of him you just couldn't challenge the guy.
"I knew you just couldn't keep getting in trouble like that, walking guys without centering one, but that's just what happened, " Baker said.
You just couldn't say so in public.
WSJ: Virginia Postrel on the Mommy Track | Commerce & Culture
"You couldn't just give the answer, " one student says, trying to explain what was so different about Eisner's teaching.
WSJ: The Unlikely Reformer | Innovator of the Year 2012 Education
Our justification for receiving public money is that we're out there doing things that you couldn't just do on a commercial basis.
Comparing the coalition's performance to Fianna Fail's time in power, he said: "We knew that you couldn't just let the protagonists get on with it, the Irish government had a duty to lead".
It was exciting in one way, but it was scary in another way because it was like, you know, I couldn't just be me and I had to behave.
But I just want to tell all of you I couldn't appreciate you more, taking the time to come out, and I hope that -- how many seniors do we have here? (Applause.) All right.
Just when you thought that the former first lady couldn't come across any more unlikable, desperate, and vindictive, the floor collapses and we find ourselves on a new level.
CNN: Commentary: Drug rumors about Obama playing on stereotypes?
Just a few weeks ago, it seemed like you couldn't give news organizations away.
When it was right overhead and we couldn't hear a sound, it was like you're just awestruck.
And for me, if you are the best player in the world, you should be able to hit many, many different golf shots and I just couldn't.
The problem is, I couldn't find credible economists who would back up the claims that you just made.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Takes Questions at GOP House Issues Conference | The White House
Its adaptive air suspension, full-time all-wheel drive, locking differentials and extra-low range all combine to make the Range Rover capable of going just about anywhere you'd think to try and drive, and to conquer some slopes you couldn't ascend without a climbing rope.
So stop tapping out long texts, puzzling over how to fit a complex thought into a 140-character DM, and panicking when a friend you've just texted calls -- hitting "silence" and then later claiming you were in a library and couldn't pick up.