It's always nice to get the first one and you hope you just keep going.
"You just keep going and by refusing to give up, being stubborn more than anything else, and being unemployable in any other field, " you eventually succeed, or find another line of work.
You know, you can see about six inches in front of your car, and you just try and keep going.
"You guys have written a lot about it, and I think it's just something you guys keep going on and on about, " Youkilis told reporters Thursday.
"Max doesn't play fundamental drumbeats behind you just to keep the time going, " Bridgewater says.
And so you've just got to keep on going even when folks are criticizing you.
When you outstrip the capabilities of the standard software, you just press a button and keep going with the open source version.
Did you think Sports Illustrated was just going to keep printing covers?
We are so excited by what you've done and we are absolutely confident we're just going to keep on building on the great progress that you've already made.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Explains the Smart Grid and Economic Recovery | The White House
Just on a personal level, what compels you to keep going from city to city?
And I would just keep going with it as long as you can stand it.
Do you reach out to people before you actually need something just to say hello or keep a connection going?
You are constantly fighting, and you lose a fair number of battles, but the guys just keep going.
"It's like sculpture and the rock: You have to chip away at it and not think too much and just keep going, " she explains.
And so three hours later, we are playing a hole that runs that way, it's going to be playing downwind again, and you just have to keep believing that and doing that, because it swirls around in those trees.
But we're just going to keep on monitoring it, and Thad will give you a more thorough briefing when he knows more.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Gives Oil Spill Update from New Orleans
But let me tell you something -- no matter what folks are going through, no matter what challenges they face, they just keep on working, keep on sacrificing.
So when folks ask you what this President has done for our country, when you run into folks that are still trying to figure out which of these two guys is going to help keep moving this country forward, here are just a few things I want you to tell them.