Mr. TAYLOR: That's really a thrill when someone like that picks up your song, you know?
One easy precaution is to make sure you know where your oysters come from.
And you know, um, what I'm doing in health I think is extremely important.
And indeed you know falling into despair is sometimes a c .... comfortable option.
We're asking around for possible details and will let you know if we hear more.
Weak collaboration, as Andy and Nick put it, involves only those people you know.
That, you know, these infections do occur in that area in heterosexuals as well.
We have degrees, we have jobs, we have nice cars, we have, you know, nice homes.
They really didn't necessarily, you know, get the link to the research that I provided there.
So how can it be that they have, you know, such a low median wealth.
You know, I'm counting on that money because I'm drawing a monthly stipend from that.
Mr. WESSEL: You know, it's a really good question and almost an impossible one to answer.
You know, I think my parents, they led me into an awareness of what was going on.
Mr. MUTLAQ: I believe that, you know, they cannot spend two days only talking about the election.
But I like the fact that, you know, a classic song can have relevance today, you know.
You know those Atari controllers that let you play Atari games without actually having an Atari?
Ms. NDUMBU: I tell you, I'm worried because, you know, we have never experienced this thing before.
You know what, I think I shall continue to be the independant female that I have become.
There's no legal - you know, legally binding aspect of - it's just to honor her wish.
So how do you know if your best supplier or customer is about to hit the skids?
You know, they felt amazingly strongly about the civil rights struggle, and I guess it stayed with me.
You know, I think of that song as having a sort of jazz cast to it, you know?
You know, as long as I can, and, in whatever form I can, I'll carry on with it.
But they're kind of, you know, very educated, very well-read people who are completely estranged from their father.
Techno, Detroit techno, dub music, ska music, Afro beats - you know, no songs like the last, really.
Find your way back to the mountains, where you know you belong, where your dreams can't go wrong.
And so - you know, I'm hoping that as people feel the pressure - and there is pressure.
And in our decision, in our case, you know, my wife's family is, you know, native New Orleanians.
And work it must, because as you know, data is the currency of tomorrow.