The world is different when it's the people you know, and I do not think we will be able to resist the forces of change when our friends are dying on screen, in front of us, and we know that we could do something but have decided not to.
But I know, as I think you do, that our country is strongest when we lead the world, when we lead strong alliances.
You know, I want to do everything I possibly can for my own child, but I think, you know, that there's this loss of the value of learning those lessons from failure, and I think it's just getting worse, and it definitely worries me.
At the same time, you know, I don't think of what I do - I don't do it in a hermetically sealed chamber.
Ms. DICKINSON: You know, I do have a section about money, because I think it's important to think about money and talk about money.
You know, I misspeak, and all of us do, and I think when you do then you want to make sure that you get that cleared up.
You know, I think, you know obviously it's not, it's nothing to do with business, but I think the lottery was one where, you know, the public wanted something and they, they should have been bolder and they, they should have made sure that they delivered what they'd promised in the election manifesto.
Even if it comes to where, you know, the music and film kind of marry, you know, I think I'll always do music.
And I do think for Main Street, you know, those people that are, there are still people I know that are thinking about whether they should bankrupt themselves, and just get out from under all these mortgages.
He's acting and listening to cases and making judgments of others, and we know that he authorized things that were illegal under U.S. law and violated the U.S. obligations under international treaties, and you know, I think that if he would do the right thing, he should just simply resign.
But I do think, you know, having spent a lot of time thinking about it and working through this issue personally that, you know, this is where I am, for reasons that are consistent with my political philosophy, including family values, including being a conservative who believes the family is a building block of society, so I'm comfortable there now.
On the other hand, I think, you know, taxpayers do deserve sort of considered judgment here.
She said well you know what, I think what I would try and do is I'd work, I'd get an internship, I'd try again next year.
And I think it has to do with a tone that I take that says that, you know, what divides us is less significant than what we have in common.
You know, I think a lot of it has to do with Boulder County being - for a lot of people it feels like it's a great place to live.
You know, I think about my IRAs or my 401Ks and do I have to break into those.
Do you think their numbers are -- I know you cited other numbers that are more optimistic in terms of growth.
So I think sometimes people's stories get a little - you know, I don't think it has anything to do with that.
GARCIA-NAVARRO: Well, I think him as many people do, you know, as kind of a maverick figure.
And I think that when people look back in five years time at, you know, what did, what did Virgin do for this country, I think what we've done - what we will have done for the train network in this country, will be one of the most important things.
Ms. HILLMAN: You know, and bless the child's heart, you know, but inside the polling place - because I think most voters do when they get in to the polling place want to have that little bit of down time if you will away from the heat of the campaign.
You have to look at it in a sense of it might take five years to really build a company, and know who your actors are, and know who your directors are - you can't do it instantly, and I think it has to happen in a rather organic way.
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And of course, president was one of those things that I think, you know, adults said to children, well, do you want to be president?
Rep. WALZ: You know, I think those are - I think it could possibly be fair to do that, because I'm going to have to struggle with that, too.
If it's something too graphic, then I think you definitely just have to pass, or you know, possibly you do take the photograph but you don't submit it for publication.
But I do think the fact that it's come to this - you know, sold to the highest bidder - I just think there were opportunities in the past to, you know, make arrangements to sell the papers.
If you and I were to get together 30 years from now, I know it's hard to envision, what kind of conversation do you think we'll have?