Even if he's struggling, you know he's going to make one for you at some point.
You know he might throw a few pitches but he's going to get outs.
Still, when Steve comes out and makes a mention like that, you know he means business.
You go in there and you know you can do it because you know he's behind you.
With these four points you know he's really winning the battle so far.
Why push to make up half a second when you know he'll have to make a pit stop before you?
When he takes on the cadences of a black preacher you know he is fired up and ready to go.
"When you walk into a room, even if you don't know who George is, you know he is someone, " says one former colleague.
"People say you know he's not just throwing the blame on us, this guy can take some of the faults on himself, " Perlmutter says.
"When he's doing that, when any hitter is driving the ball to the opposite field, you know he's starting to get locked in, " Gonzalez said.
"It's nice to know that you won't have a gentleman walking on the floor, and, if you do, you know he's not supposed to be there, " says O'Brien.
When he comes off you know he's put his shift in and you also know that the next morning he'll be up again and ready for the next challenge.
But, you know, he's done a very - he's got a very successful tenure as mayor of New York City, and you know, he could be a big help there.
NPR's senior Washington editor Ron Elving no doubt remembers a line the Democrats used after that convention, Ron, because Republicans were saying Barry Goldwater: In your heart, you know he's right.
' Well, how do you know he's terrific?
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You know he was talking, if you look at what he said, about Wall Street reform, about the desire of some to put banks and Wall Street back in charge of your financial transactions and life.
Mr. MUELLER: It was more because he just, you know, he ran a very good courtroom and he just kept things moving, and you knew that, you know, he had studied the issues and was on top of it.
But I think just overall, with Howard making a call for Sony united just at every level of the organization, you know for example I engage with Howard literally on a weekly basis, you know he'll call me, I'll call him...
To make a basketball analogy, it's a bit like when your tin-armed, non-jump-shooting center gets the ball near the three-point line: You know he won't shoot or thread the ball into the post, so you have a moment's respite while he looks for a guard to bail him out.
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Talk to your friends, your neighbors, that nephew you haven't seen in a while. (Laughter.) You know he may not vote unless you're on him. (Laughter.) That friend -- you know those friends. (Applause.) Classmates you haven't talked to in years -- call them up.
And what Gene Upshaw says, not argumentatively, he just, you know, he said to me one day, he said, you know, Michael, my job here is to represent the active players.
Mr. CHANG: You know, he brings into it, you know, the idea of rapping over the music, and he brings that to funk.