Barack, I consider you a good friend, and you know I would do anything for you.
"I'm in an area where I want to make music that I thrilled with, but, you know, I do have to worry about putting food on the table, " Dylan says.
You know, I don't know if I want to do that, or you know, if I might as well just take a year off and, as you were talking, maybe get an internship or work or something.
Ms. DICKINSON: You know, I do have a section about money, because I think it's important to think about money and talk about money.
Ms. PARKER: You know, some days I do because, you know, it does put a lot of stress on myself and my husband, and it's hard to work two jobs and hold it all together.
Getting back to what Kevin was talking about, have you--I know you do a lot of commercials.
If I just, you know, do what I'm supposed to do, which is work for him, and I'll have more and more open doors.
You know, I want to do everything I possibly can for my own child, but I think, you know, that there's this loss of the value of learning those lessons from failure, and I think it's just getting worse, and it definitely worries me.
And one big thing is mentorship, so when you look around, I mean, honestly, even if you look at your family, you know, my sister understands what I do, but my brother, you know, not so much.
It is interesting, though, that, you know, you do have - I mean, you know, a couple of the reasons why you're seeing civilian death tolls down - I mean, it's actually very complex.
You know, and I do want to mention something that you had referred to in your introduction.
But you know what, I do sometimes wonder if those songs or that album - well, first of all, they don't release albums anymore.
The world is different when it's the people you know, and I do not think we will be able to resist the forces of change when our friends are dying on screen, in front of us, and we know that we could do something but have decided not to.
And it's actually a little bit of getting some of those numbers, but - you know, also, I mean, also I definitely do, you know, all organic.
That's why I felt like the "Four Brothers" role was, you know, key to the beginning of my career, just to show, you know, that I could do a little bit more.
You know, I think, you know obviously it's not, it's nothing to do with business, but I think the lottery was one where, you know, the public wanted something and they, they should have been bolder and they, they should have made sure that they delivered what they'd promised in the election manifesto.
"You get this feeling I can do whatever I want, you know, nothing is going to really hold me back, " said student Calla Chang.
And I can't thank you both enough for what you have done for this country, what you are doing and I know you will continue to do for the rest of your lives.
WHITEHOUSE: The First Lady and Dr. Biden Speak on the Joining Forces Anniversary | The White House
It's sort of like the Nielsen ratings, you know, how do they know what I watched?
Often I thought of trying to let you know what I knew I would do.
But when I come to Amazing Grace Conservatory as we refer to it as AGC, I'm always reignited and recharged and you know, I realize why I do what I do.
What you've said here today, what you've been saying for eight years, what you stand for, and what I know you will continue to do in the future, is exactly what we're talking about in this citation, about inspiring those who will hopefully be carrying the torch forward with you, and after your departure from the Senate.
You make dolls in a toy shop, and you shop for sofas, and, you, I don't know what you do.
But I know, as I think you do, that our country is strongest when we lead the world, when we lead strong alliances.
And you know as well as I do that those returns were due in April.
FORBES: As SCOTUS Rules On Arizona, IRS Struggles With Tax And Immigration Related Measures
And then, you know, I try and do the explanation of why we look at polls and why polls are important.
Oh and please tell me how your austerity is really necessary while you know as well as I do the republican plan is more contingent upon growth than any other factor.