And dear readers, you know I love you but for future reference, if you want to show your support for me, a quick comment below or a nice email will do.
You know how I love talking about books, and you know how I adore receiving compliments.
"Finally just one day on Skype, everybody else had kind of hung up and I said you know, I think I love you, " she said.
Do you know how much I love you? (Applause.) I am thrilled to be back to see you all here.
Ms. IVEREM: I think she may have the edge only because of the Golden Globe already, and there is this buzz that's building around her nomination that I don't hear for the other actresses, and maybe my hearing is subjective and - but you know, the thing I love about the nomination is that, you know, she's had a chance to, you know, show who she really is as an actress.
If you have ever driven a G-series Infiniti, you will know why I love the subtle humps on either side of the hood, a constant visual reminder that you are staring down something shapely from within the cockpit.
Corey, you know, to me, I love K-dub, but this sounds like classic white male indignation, you know, run amok, and that if he tries this when he goes to see - I don't know - if he goes to see "Iron Man 3" and he tries this, it's going to be a whole different set of circumstances.
But about five years ago, I was in a head-on collision with a dump truck, so I--yesterday, as a matter of fact, I was in the gym oiling myself up after exercising, I said, you know, I have come to love these scars.
For all the disagreements, Tom, that we may have sometimes on issues, I know you love this country.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Addresses U.S. Chamber of Commerce
"I don't really know what else to say, but I know we have our differences, but I will always love you unconditionally, " he wrote at the end.
Mr. CUTEMAN: And I love, you know, crashing out rhythms with my feet.
As you know, I love campaigning and this will be my last as leader of the Party - so I intend to enjoy myself - and, with your help, give my successor the best possible start for continuing success in the future.
But, at the same time, there's another group of residents who are going, you know, while I love art, I'd rather have a police officer on my block.
"So, you know, I would love to be with my family in the street as a normal person and I can't, so I am a completely different person in my private life, " added Mourinho, who will turn 50 in January.
Ms. LOVE: Well, you know, I think it's harder today to get into the business.
And so I really would love to, you know, write a series of maybe 12 or 15 of these books.
You know, as much as I love being a singer-songwriter, I love throwing down on stage and letting it all out.
"You know, what I thought was love maybe wasn't, " Emin says.
And actually, something I love to do is, you know, go around and play the opening - the 'O Fortuna - for people, and see what image it evokes.
You know, the Van Morrison song, I love, I love, I love, and he keeps repeating it like that.
If you know where I could find one, I would love to know.
FORBES: The Founder of 21st Century Management: Peter Drucker
This post is a bit of a departure from privacy issues, but as you know, I like writing about memes and I love writing about Facebook.
You know before when I said I can compartmentalize between sex and love?
FORBES: Overheard at a Screening of 'Spartacus' (with Lucy Lawless and Steven DeKnight)