And interestingly, if you look at the quote after it, Larry Johnson said that, you know - I told Larry Johnson what Grant had said.
"Although, I'd have to spend about two days recovering from that -- you know what I mean, " he said.
I'm not going to get into the specific intelligence, though, of this, except to point you to what I know that has been said publicly at the Pentagon today.
And I said, you know what, I hope Congress goes back to their districts.
There were times where I said, you know what, perhaps that's a great idea for the Japanese market or the European market, doesn't know if that really works here in the US. Snd other times I think the Europeans felt great about strategies for North America, but it doesn't really work in Europe, et cetera.
And he was good-natured about it and said, can't you just keep one, one case for me, so that when I come in - and I said, I tell you what, you let me know when you're coming in and I'll run across the street and buy you a bottle of flat still water and have it on your table.
Mr. EPSTEIN: Well, I don't want to get too much into the sources, but I'll say we're confident with what I said, they're, you know, familiar with the information they gave us, but I'd like to kind of leave it at that since they requested anonymity, and we gave them our word on that.
You know, times have changed remarkably since Will Rogers said -- All I know is what I see in the papers.
She said well you know what, I think what I would try and do is I'd work, I'd get an internship, I'd try again next year.
Mr. GARY MARX (Reporter, Chicago Tribune): Well, you know, I think this is pretty much what Fidel has said in public.
And I've said publicly before, you know, I'm not sure anybody truly knows what color his stripes are.
But I think what was important you know, Francis Maude said this, it is not just Michael Portillo but what it was that Michael was saying and fundamentally what he was saying is that we have to really re-think from the ground up what the Conservative Party looks like and what it stands for.
You know what Fitzgerald said to Hemingway about the very rich, so I need not repeat it.
" And this is the first year that I've said, "You know what?
What is it, I mean I know you just said it's too awful to describe but can you then describe it?
BBC: News | BREAKFAST WITH FROST | Imran Khan, Leader of the Justice Party
"First time in Vegas, and then, like, the whole thing, what you know from movies only -- I was shocked, " said Christine Gerstenberger, who was visiting from Germany.
"I said to my mother the other day, 'You know what, Mum, I could never have kids, ' " Emin continues.
"I just decided, you know what, let's go help, " Arnold said.
' I can't even remember what she said the first time, you know, like in the beginning.
' And she said, 'You know, even until now I can not understand what I was led by -- it must have been something from above.
"I know I've made mistakes and disappointed some people, but I want you to know that I've always tried to do what's best for Illinois, " she said in the ad.
"I just wanted to know what was going on, just to see, because I obviously heard everything from you guys, " Granderson said to the Yankee beat writers Thursday.
"I can't speak for other developers, but I think there are a lot of people out there who would say: 'You know what, that's OK. I'm just going to fold up shop, '" Russell said.
You know, I think there's been quite a bit of characterization in the media, quite apart from what Dobbs said, of this von Brunn as, you know, a crazy sociopath on the fringe of the fringe of the fringe.
"My two older children, of course, are very aware of what's going on and I said, 'I'm going down there, you know, for you, for us, and to make a difference, " she said.