You never had to make a similar excuse to any girl you might be dating.
If you never had secure employment or many financial assets, you cannot lose them to the crisis.
On a lighter note, Bob Sabiston's bot takes a more poetic route and makes up for those art skills you never had.
" They included, "You never had it so good, " "You've found a home in the Army, " and "What more could you possibly want.
It was tucked away and you never had to use it.
FORBES: EA Responds To Worst Company In America Contest: 'We Can Do Better'
We are particularly troubled by your comments because you never had the courtesy to first share any of this feedback with your MoneyShow account executive or our management team.
For the most part, this is the kind of place where you want to ski hard, cozy up in front of a fire with your honey and your kids, eat spaghetti, watch the movies you never had time to see at home or play Scrabble.
Even if you had never seen the ocean you had a picture of it in your head from what you had been told by foreign people who sometimes came upriver.
You might also be endorsed for new skills, ones you never realized you had.
This (recovery) pushes you to your limits, to the places you never knew you had in yourself.
It will go down under the heading of 'things you wish you had never said' - alongside Alan Hansen's 'you don't win anything with kids' comment on Match of the Day eight years ago.
Not if you're over 39 and you have never had sushi in Nebraska.
Ellison is quick to tell you he never had to take a dime of venture capital, the result of which is that today he is one of high-tech's billionaires.
Who knows, the new senior relationships you develop may offer career insights that you had never considered.
Welcome to the stuff family you might never have known you had, reborn every year.
BBC: Go Figure: Why does every person need 200kg of steel a year?
It's sometimes hard for people to understand that you don't miss what you've never had.
Chances are equally good that you had never heard of the site behind it,, before this week.
FORBES: Here's The Guy Behind That Hilarious Viral 'QBs On Facebook' Spoof
The country was very prosperous it was the 'you've never had it so good era' and I think the parallel is there today.
Without your families, you never would have had the strength to tackle Beast Barracks while your peers were enjoying a final, carefree summer before college.
WHITEHOUSE: First Lady Michelle Obama Speaks at West Point Graduation Banquet | The White House
You had never seen a cat before.
FORBES: What Should You Do When You Don't Know What To Do? Listen To The Original Dr. Spock.
There is the cost of your service or product (your time, materials or costs), the fee or prices you would charge on the open market, and then there is the value you would put on it when trading for something you might never have had the luxury nor the budget for.
Ms Mills sent text messages to a previous partner during the argument, telling him "I still love you" and "I wish I had never let you go".
Mr. McGREGOR: If you had known Shawn or lived with Shawn, you would never know that he had this really crappy hand dealt to him.
Free time that you won't know how to fill, because you've never really had any before.
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Would you believe HR has never had it better?
FORBES: Connecting marketers to the Forbes audience. What is this?
In my haste to respond to you during an onslaught of media inquiries, I should have responded to you that we have never had anyone by that name as a patient in our admissions directory.
Though less than 10% of recent loan growth has been in subprime, this rises to around 25% if you count borrowers who never had to prove how much they earn, according to David Miles, at Morgan Stanley.