"Insider trading basically comes down to where you know or ought to know that the person from whom you're getting this information has a duty to someone else to keep it confidential, " said former Securities and Exchange Commissioner Paul Atkins in a video interview with The Wall Street Journal.
There are reasonable arguments on both sides of the sales-tax debate, but really, if you're going to make fun of somebody for being a know-it-all, you ought to make sure you know what you're talking about.
"You ought to know by now that if you start to ask me those questions, I'll just laugh at you, " he said.
If you are managing the growth of a global brand you ought to know these boys and the millions of young people who aspire to the same mindset.
I'm going to get her counsel and I'm going to try to be helpful to her as much as I possibly can, both with the lawyer, and I've already done what I could about the job, and I think you ought to know that.
' Well, sisters and brothers, when you hear that, you know what you ought to say?
" (Laughter.) And Ed smiled and replied, "You know, you ought to be a Republican.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Honors Senator Edward William Brooke
But I don't -- you know -- people ought to look at the total picture.
You know, it almost feels like 2006 ought to have been called the year of the queer.
Harder than you would at others in fact, for they ought to know better.
Mr. LEAHY: I just think, you know, I think, Michel, they say these guys ought to be our advocates.
You know I think there should be some punishment, but the punishment ought to be on the rapist and not attacking the child.