If a user ceases to consent or affirmatively revokes consent for Your collection, use or disclosure of his or her user or device data, You must promptly cease all such use.
If you fail to agree promptly to combine the vote on the Going Private Transaction with the vote on the annual meeting, we anticipate years of litigation will follow challenging the transaction and the actions of those directors that participated in it.
You hand out invitations to people all over town (who promptly decline to come) and then when you return to him, the game forces you to sit there for two minutes while no one shows up and Claptrap tries to make awkward small talk with you at his empty party.
In any case, there will be a lot going on and lots of things on your mind but be sure to file promptly as policies have a time limit on when you can file your claim.
Anyone who stops by is promptly given a nickname - divulge your favourite footballer or hobby, and there you have it - and return customers are treated to warm greetings and hot tea.