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Once you have met the Mail Chimp, Freddie Von Chimpenheimer IV, you will never forget him.
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If you are looking for a turnkey all-inclusive family vacation that you will never forget, Clayoquot Wilderness Resort is hard to beat.
FORBES: Clayoquot Wilderness Resort, Vancouver Island, BC, Canada - Larry Olmsted The Great Life
And we owe to you the assurance that we will never forget the sacrifices of those who are not with us this evening -- those who gave their lives to this country.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama and Vice President Biden Honor Iraq Veterans | The White House
And I want you to know that we will never forget the sacrifice and service of the American soldiers who gave their lives for people whose names they never knew, and whose faces they never saw, and yet people who have lived in freedom thanks to the bravery and valour of the Americans who gave the "last full measure of devotion".
But I wanted to say, as much as I have been touched by the wonderful reception you've given me today, as much as I hope you will share what I've said to you today with your friends and neighbors, never forget you come here as citizens with the responsibilities of citizens.
It's something I will never forget, the fact that you made this possible.
But I will never forget the kindness and warmth and love that you all showed me and my family, especially our girls.
You have been astonishingly kind and generous to me today, and I will never forget it.