"I think 95% of the time when you get 191-5 on the board you are going to win the game, " reflected Collingwood.
If you win the lottery, win cash in a game show, or hit it big at the casino, you must pay tax.
"When you give a team as good as the All Blacks that many opportunities, you can't expect to win the game, " he said.
"You can count on one hand as you go through your career the amount of times you win a game like that, " said Tait.
You do not win here if you get he fundamentals of the game wrong.
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In racing, you can win the equivalent of the Big Game and still not be a champion.
The Notre Dame Club of Miami is hosting a raffle and pool party where you can win two tickets to the big game.
Not only do these qualities make video more gratifying to watch, they actually help gamers to win because you can see more in the game.
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The game is designed so that you can play and win with just one character, but having more of the toys opens up more of the world.
You can't just go out and think you're going to scrum it up and win the game.
You didn't promise that the Gators would win every game the rest of the way, but it's a testament to his leadership that they did because he said we'll always play hard.
In football, the rules of the game are imposed on every team by the NFL. In business, when you play to win, you get to impose a lot of the rules.
In the Facebook Game of Thrones, you can neither win nor die.
To really win at the game of cyber-security, you must tackle really hard problems such as usability, business process maturity and consistency, user training, network design, and optimization of your portfolio of applications.
The key, Bray said, is managing the game and realizing you don't need to win everything to be victorious, much like in real campaigns.
"At this moment, you've got to do whatever you have to do within the guidelines of the game to try to win, whether it's trying to draw fouls or whatever, " West said.
That's the way to keep the game always with you, and whoever figures that out will win.
Djokovic brings you to the limit of your game if you want to have chances to win.
You know, it was a silly foul at the end that caused them to win the game.
You might also do a little portfolio shuffling, but buying and holding is the way to win this game.
If you win your game and stand undefeated, please let LSU know you're available to play in the BCS championship.
Pick your character, your team, the game you wish to join, then it is a matter of seek, destroy and win.