Conservative foundations finance conservative newspapers and provide scholarships for right young things (one conservative impresario compares funding young conservatives to building a wine collection).
ECONOMIST: A youthquake that is helping George Bush
The former deputy chairman of the Czech Young Conservatives was rather more charitable, especially when it came to the president's critical views on Europe.
BBC: Why Vaclav Klaus divides Czechs
Like many young conservatives, he is embarrassed by the Bush years.
NEWYORKER: Fussbudget
Hundreds of young conservatives flooded into the capital to listen to their heroes (including a wrestler called Warrior), to learn how to identify liberal textbook bias, to visit the White House, and to watch Karl Rove receiving the Lee Atwater Leadership Award.
ECONOMIST: A youthquake that is helping George Bush
Our own final Zogby Interactive poll weighted our sample to be older with a greater share of white voters and conservatives and diminished numbers of young voters.
FORBES: Exit Polls Vindicate Pre-Election Polls
The survey comes after warning from Conservatives that children "as young as four" needed to be targeted by new schemes to prevent them taking the first steps on a life of crime.
BBC: Fifth of children 'are crime victims'
Moreover, Mr Major also inherited the poll tax, the product of his predecessor's attempt to reform local-government finance, which had young rebels on the streets and old rebels deserting the Conservatives in droves.
Maybe the subtle mind of the government Chief Whip, Sir George Young, will find a way to induce the minor parties to side with the Conservatives, but it seems to me that the main impact of the vote will be to poison Coalition relations.
BBC: Week ahead
Just before his adoption in 1999 by the Conservatives of Kensington and Chelsea, Mr Portillo disclosed that he had experimented as a young man with gay sex.
ECONOMIST: He who hesitates laughs last?