Since 1993, Inner-City Filmmakers has assisted more than 600 young people in Los Angeles County.
Since 2009, Alvarez says more than 1, 000 young people have found hope through the program.
And that is something that the young people organizing in community after community cannot easily tolerate.
But Szypulska said the campaign was targeting young people and needed to be strong.
The Tehran government does not put obstacles in the path of young people seeking to emigrate.
Adults and young people around New Zealand submitted 350 photographs that captured different elements of New Zealand's biodiversity.
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He says it "undermines" all he has been told about the children and young people services.
For young people growing-up nowadays, money matters a lot more when choosing a career.
But it's a special joy to have so many bright, smart and talented young people here.
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So you're going to have to spread the word to your fellow young people.
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Its findings suggest a picture of young people who are now immersed in a screen-based culture.
In contrast, there are now 41% of these young people who read news stories online.
Let's start with a simple story of two young people just entering the workforce.
We can encourage young people to move from serving, to learning how to serve.
And so what can we do to intervene, to make sure that young people have opportunity?
Now, Governor Romney just said that he wants to help those young people, too.
But many young people drink alcohol and dress as fashionably as do their Han Chinese counterparts.
Which makes sense: Young people have a better feel for the next disruptive thing.
The problem is that the claimant count is only part of the story for young people.
And Holleran advises young people to review the LinkedIn profile of the person they will meet.
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When schools did intervene, the report said, young people were 60% less likely to be bullied.
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Young people don't model their language usage on what they hear at the shoe store.
He said he also wanted to focus on what the party was doing for young people.
"Each one was turning out five to 20 young people to the caucuses, " Greene says.
Does Stimpson have any advice for smart young people who could use one of those grants?
Young people are buying it instead of beer, and occasional drinkers can afford wine more often.
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Two things: Young people started talking to each other, and old people started dying.
But in the modern Scandinavian business environment, attitudes are shifting, particularly among young people.
We should focus more, as we have been doing on women, on youth, young people.
Many of the issues that young people face online have nothing to do with crime.
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